Pennsylvania, USA

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone! How's everything there?
First of all, alhamdulillah dah sampai pun US, my biggest dream so far, besides jumpa Mr. Right ;p
I'm so thankful that I can pursue my studies here.
So, this fall semester I take 6 subject with 17 credits.
There are Astronomy 010, Mathematics 110, English 015, Biology of Human 001, PSU Business 006, and Supply Chain & Management 200. It's quite a lot but for Astronomy subject, I take through online study.
Everything is fine here and my $3 clothes collection makin bertambah from day to day. Who doesn't love shopping? except for man.

Did I tell you guys about Eid Celebration in here? Surprisingly, it was nice for all Muslims to gather in one place, Sunset Park and having Raya prayer and Qutbah. Although the food is not that 'menyelerakan' compared to Malaysia, I made a lot of international friends here.

Until then, Selamat Hari Raya!