Sahabat karib telah pergi bertemu seruan Ilahi, Sumaiyah Binti Romli

I never ever imagine I would write about you, Sumie,
Who would have thought, you left all of us too soon,
Sumaiyah Binti Romli,
A really good friend of mine,
She has passed away peacefully,
Because of tragic accident in Jordan,
I was really shocked when I got the news early in the morning,
And I was to speechless and blurred for a moment,
Then, I realized she's really left this dunya for real,
Maybe this is coincidence,
But seriously I can't sleep the night before I got the news,
Somehow, I feel something's wrong somewhere,

I really miss you a lot and always be,
You changed a lot dear,
You changed towards a better muslimah,
I'm really happy for you,
And I still remember what you said to me last time,

 Thank you so much, Sumie.
You're the first friend who said that to me,
And I'm really sad whenever I see this post,
Over and over again,

Yes Sumaiyah, you're coming home dear,
And I never expect to see you in that condition,
On my birthday date.
But this is qada' dan qadar from Allah,
InsyaAllah, Allah will promise you, Jannah,
I hope to see you in Jannah also,

I did remember our moments in Asma,
Especially in Bio class,
Especially we always choose to sit at the very first table under fan,
And we make fun of each other,
Alhamdulillah both of us managed to get A in Bio,
Even though, that's the hardest subject for both of us,
I'll keep it in my memory.

 (In front of the Bio lab during our last Raya)

You know what,
Everyone is praying for you in their doa,
You're a good friend indeed,
Everyone is talking good about you,
I'm so proud of you Sumaiyah,
This might be a reflection to all of us,
That death is so close to us,
Age is never a factor,

Paling terkilan sekali,
When two of us have plan to visit Asma together,
And you can't make it,
I just watched news Awani and the reporter said your name,
Rasa sedap sangat nama Sumaiyah, and can't believe she said your name,
And Wan Nur Syahira is really really sad until she couldn't believe it,
I did send msgs to her to accept fate.

All of us, 5 Sultanah 2009 will make your dream comes true,
On the very last moment, you still remember our beloved school kan,
You want Aqsa Syarif to come to our school right?
InsyaAllah we'll turn it into reality,
Raihan did send an email to them.

Wahai Sumaiyah,
I hope you're happy there,
And I'm really sure you're happy now,
Allah loves you more than anyone else.
Berbahagialah di sana sayang,
Semoga bertemu lagi.
Sayaaaaaaang awak!

Your favorite drink, Teh Ais gonna be my favorite after this.

Came across to this

Even though, saw this like 100th times already,
Feeling terharu tu tetap macam 1st time tengok,
Thank you, Dafnie!

Walaupun masing-masing membawa diri,
Sorang ke bumi Indiana,
Sorang lagi ke bumi Pennsylvania,
Walaupun busy untuk bertegur sapa,
Walaupun jarang ber-whatsapp,

Still, I regard you as one of my funniest, best friends.
Selamat menunaikan Umrah, semoga doa di Jabbal Rahmah, termakbul ;p



Cepatnya masa berdetik, tak sangka dah 2 bulan kat Malaysia ni,
For me, I treasure my time a lot with my family,
Kalau boleh nak bermanja, meleset sepanjang masa,
It's time to be the youngest again,

Seronok tak terkira :)
Kalau boleh nak bawa Mama and Bapak balik US sekali,
Kakak kena tinggal sini sebab dah nak kahwin ;p

(2 bulan dah cukup untuk bagi pipi makin bulat.Kfine)