It's time for the CAS

First & foremost, wut is CAS?
Before I'm entering KMB,
I was wondering wut da CAS is all about
Is it fr outside activity or Koku activity?
Now I know, CAS refers to Creative, Action & Service
lame lame lame -____-
So, welcome to my CAS grupie!
Let me introduce one by one okayh
Kekanda(s): Iqbal & Aizad
Adinda(s): Azre, Sarah, Dafnie, Shakirah, Liesa & Me :)
So, our Cas grup C need to do service in SK Dengkil
whereas the rest of my class is in SK Bukit Tadom(mcm papadom jea) :D
Arrived at SK Dengkil at 8.15 am
Before dat, when we're on the KMB bus,
Our grup was like 'garrulous' compared to the other Medic & Engine students
Well, nma pon class A10B rite?
'Awk mna tahu, org punya susah kan' :DD
So, our 1st task in SKD is we need to paint mural and letter cutting
We had fun anyway doing color blended taught by our Azre
When the rest were sweatily doing their work painting the wall,
Me and Dafnie busily drawing letters on the softboard while gossiping our classmates one by one larh, Me and Dafnie puji you all larh, dun worry guys
Kitaorg pemalu okayh ;p
A for??! Aiman, Aizad, Aswad, Akeelah Anderson or A bukan nma sebenar??!Apakah?haha
Merapu merapu!


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