I found this very cute

BOY: A, B, C
GIRL: huh?
BOY: Always Be Careful
GIRL: ahh and then?
BOY: D, E, F, G
BOY: Don't Ever Forget That
GIRL: ForGet That
BOY: I'm H, I
BOY: Happilly Inlove
GIRL: so
BOY: J, K, L, M, Just Keep Loving Me
GIRL: and how about N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z ?
BOY: (thinks)
BOY: No Other Person Quite, Reasonable, Shall Treat U Very Well Xcept me You'll

Trial n Error

I know 10 facts about you
1. You are reading this.
2. You can't say M without touching your lips
3. You just tried it
4. You just smiled or laughed.
6. You are a boy/girl.
7. You didnt realize I skipped 5.
8. You are looking back at 4 and 6.
9. You are liking this.
10. You are reading me telling you to like this.

Tagging time

Adakah anda rasa anda hot?
Define hot: hot-tempered? hot-blood? hotcake? 
haha..semestinya saya rasa hot bila saya nk hot

Upload wallpaper PC/lappy
Story about the picture
Hurm...panjang ceta dia, but I cut it short. I took this wallpaper at tumblr. 
I don't know why I like this picture, 
maybe because I like someone who doesn't know that I like him
Okay, ini tipu. Saja nk buat melancholic punya ceta :D

Kali terakhir anda makan ayam
Semalam, mama yang masak!

Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
Fly Me Away- Annie Little
I heard this song last semester when I watched this one video about 2 lovebirds of KMB finally get married :)) sweet lahhh

Apa yang anda sedang lakukan selain menyelsaikan tag ini
Open many tabs, watching MatLuthfi90 videos; serius amat lawak! and finally not to forget my Tumblr

Selain nama sendiri, anda dipanggil apa?

Tag 8 bloggers
Raihan Marini
Wan Nur Syahira

Siapakah no.1 anda tag?
My Form 3-4-5 classmate
My gossiping partner
My facebook partner 
My heartbroken-story listener

Katakan sesuatu tentang no.5 yang anda tag
Time kat sekolah dulu, dia amat famous tapi saya rasa sekarang lagi famous!

Orang yg ke-3 ditag berhubungan dengan siapa?
Saya bukan P.A dia, so I don't know~
Wait..his favourite tagline- "For me to know, for you to find out"

Bagaimana dengan no.4?
Aizad? He's okay

Pesanan buat no.6
Long time no see! Dulu dia ni S.I Kadet Polis, garang!

Kata-kata cinta buat no.2
Sarah nie amat comel,cute! I loveeee yaaa :))

Adakah no.7 dan 8 mempunyai persamaan?
Semestinya! Kalo dok sekali depa nie kan, tak cukup Oxygen sebab gelak
Plus, depa nie suka dok sakat

Berikan 5 perkara yang anda tahu tentang orang yang anda tag di no.1
Student INTEC
JPA scholar
Bakal Doktor
DBSK fan
Time dalam kelas dulu, annoying ;)
Suka bertanya time kat kelas

Persamaan lembu dan kambing
Makan rumput or scientific name alang2 belajaq ESS-Herbivorous

Perasan ketika menjawab tag ini
Homework tak siap lagi!!!

Adakah anda tahu Rizman tu sengal?
Sapa nie? tak kenai pongg

Gay or les
Straight forever

A Good Tips

1. Drink one glass of water every hour. It will make you feel full. 
2. Drink ice cold water. Your body will burn calories just getting the water to a normal temperature to digest. Also it is great for your complexion. 
3. Drink 3 cups of green tea daily. It will help boost your metabolism, plus its anti-oxidants make your skin look great. 
4. Take vitamins daily. Do not take vitamins on an empty stomache, otherwise they have nothing to catalyze with. 
5. Eat ice or gum when hungry. This will make your body think it had food without the calories.

Don't give up

.Don't pretend that you are strong. 
.It's just fine to cry as much as you want. 
.This will make you feel better in the long run

Sweet Memories

6 of March 2011, 10.45 pm

Quite suprised and speechless at the same time
SUSHI=SUSI! Yes,that's the word he was waiting for me to say
He just bought a pack of Sushi
And insisted me to go to the class tonight
Okay, I have no idea about this
tak boleh jadi lagi sweet ka??

If you're accidentally open my blog and reading this,
I know you wouldn't -____-"
But anyway, nak cakap jugak

Let bygone be bygone
For me, it's okay la..not that big deal
Both of us are at fault
Maybe because of the wrong management
And maybe we were busy at that time
But this shouldn't be excuses, right?
Each of us tend to make mistakes in our life
Because of this, we try to learn from our mistake
in order to lead a better life in the future
Apart from that, I wanna say 'arigato' for the sushi
And your patience for listening my upside-down sentence

To my other friend,
You're such a good friend to me
A good advisor indeed
Thanks for your all kind and advices

p/s: Kenangan Terindah

5 Sultanah '09

Firstly, I wanna say thanks and sorry to my classmate as I took this post from his blog without telling him
I think this post is one of my favorite post
seems the sentence was taken from tumblr ;)
So, I would like to dedicate this post to my Asmarian friends especially 5 Sultanah '09

Have you ever wondered which hurts the most?
Saying something and wishing you hadn't?
Or saying nothing and wishing you had?

I guess the most important things are the hardest things to say
Don't be afraid to tell someone you love them
If you do, they might break your heart
If you don't, you might break theirs.

Your heart decides whom it likes and whom it doesn't
You hardly can't tell your heart what to do
Let your heart do its job

Too many of us stay walled up because we are too afraid to care too much
Form fear that the other person does not care as much, or even at all
What hurts the most is being so close

We tell lies when we are afraid
Afraid of what we don't know
Afraid of what others will think
Afraid of what will be found out about us

But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger and stronger
Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump

Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have done
Or could have had.

What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow? 
And you never got to tell them how you felt?
What would you do if you loved someone more than ever and you couldn't have them? 
What would you do if you never got the chance to say

People live but at the same time people die
I want to tell you that
You guys are my special friends, 
One and only classmates in Sultanah Asma
If you died tomorrow (God Forbid)
You guys would be always in my heart.
Would I be in yours?

If you care about me 
As much as I care about you 
You will send this back

We might be best friends one year
Pretty good friends the next year
Don't talk that often the next
Don't want to talk at all the year after that. 

So, I just wanted to say
Even if I never talk to you again in my life
You are special to me and
You have made a difference in my life

I look up to you, respect you, truly cherish you , 
Most of all, I love my friends

Send this to all your friends,
No matter how often you talk, or how close you are, 
And send it to the person who sent it to you. 

Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them, 
And tell new friends you never will. 

Everyone needs a friend 
Someday you might feel like you have no friends at all, 
Just remember this post
And take comfort in knowing somebody out there cares about you and always will

Lastly, I wanna say that I truly care about you; my previous classmates, you; my present classmates and you; the one that I start to care again


Do u ever think about the future?
What do you see?
"I see you"

Here, I'm talking about Rascall Flats-What hurts the most
I've known this song about 3 years ago
which my sister is the one who insisted me to listen and watch the MV
and this song is like one of my most favorite song
 Let me tell about the story behind this song
Actually my sister posted up those sentence on her MSN status,
by asking "what do u see in the future?"
Then surprisingly at the same time, 
her bf post the status by saying "I see you"
sweet, right?

And I think someone also love this song,
I mean indirectly


Confess to me,
Every secret moment,
Every stolen promise you believe,
Confess to me,
All that lies between us,
All that lies between you and me