A Piece of Mind

 "Kebahagiaan dunia sangat menguja,
Kerna munculnya ia di depan mata,
Namun wujudnya hanya sementara,
Dikejarnya hanya mengundang luka"

"Salad Bowl" feeling

Manusia susah nak bersyukur, isn't it right?
Yup, kadang-kadang disebabkan kealpaan diri ini,
Banyak benda yang terjadi,
We even jeopardize our relationship with God,
and the ones that we love,

I have this thought,
When we're good to people,
People always take that as granted

Nobody's perfect,
Everyone has their own flaws,
I admit even me have my own sides that aren't pretty,
But, I try to improve to be a better person,
If it's not today, maybe tomorrow, or in the future,
What's matter is our niat' to change

Manusia ni lebih nampak keburukan seseorang
Daripada kebaikan yg orang tu telah buat,
Ungrateful or forgetful?

If you think that's the best you can do,
Teruskan, sila. 
Tak untung, tak rugi.

Spring, finally!

Assalamualaikum & hello there,
Yeah it's been awhile since my last post about raya,
Pennstate is treating me well,
Except for this one American guy,
who always stares at us, me & Ain in both MGMT 301 & MKMT 301 classes,
Yeah the same exact guy :|
It's kinda scary at first but we're used to that

I love all my second semester subjects;
Management 301, Marketing 301, Sociology 001 and Art & History 001

So, today is the first day of spring, even though it's kinda late
But I really miss the warm weather,
So because of the weather, my mood turns out good.
This picture is taken on my way to Sociology class. I love to see those beautiful blue sky.

So, another 30 days to go :) I have mixed feeling about this. Happy and eager to see my family, however I am really sad to leave my Thompson Hall, I love to live in this dorm, but it's really expensive :( As you can see the pictures below, everyone starts to enjoy studying on grass. It's a great feeling to see this environment. As you know, students labelled West Hall is one of the most 'luxurious' hall among all. I'm really grateful to be one of the residents here. It's really quite and peaceful, good environment to study.

So, I hope everyone enjoy their Spring! And I hope to see my family and friends in Malaysia soon! Yup, soon!