
So yeah, keep bugging Mama and Bapak about the plan of coming back to Malaysia next year :D
Najmi once said to me this, 'tak pegi lagi dh pikiaq nak balik lol :D' I know Imma spoiler daughter
Long time ago, I was whining to Kamilia about Najmi getting back to Malaysia on his first year, then pufff its hit my nose back

So, I create some strong excuses about going back to Malaysia next year, specifically in May
First, I want to do internship in ExxonMobil (my sister's workplace), second I can save some money also (975usd times 4), third for sure I want to spend my time with familia
Mama agreed and Bapak gave some positive feedback..
However, lets see first how I'm going to adapt with the new surrounding, then I will decide how

Today is 31st July 2012, I want to wish a happy birthday to my childhood fantasies, Harry Potter!
*12 days to go :S


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