Hi today is 18th of July which means 3 days before we enter the most gracious month, Ramadhan.
Less than a month I will step my feet on United State of America, alhamdulillah
So, to make things go easier, I want to pack my stuff before I leave to KL soon for my visa interview
For the checklist, I've divided into six sections;
- Apparel
- Toiletries
- Make up bag
- Food
- Others
- Cabin
Bismisllahirahmanirahim, lets start :)
Apparel Section
- Long john ( I wonder why they call this long john, why not long jane?)
- Undies
- Panty coat
- 2 pasang telekung and sejadah
- Baju tradisional (Baju kebaya, baju kurung moden, jubah)
- Pajamas (3 pairs)
- 3 Shirts
- 4 Blouses
- 2 pairs of jeans
- 4 inners
- 4 pairs of socks
- 1 long skirt
- 2 warm jackets
- 1 cardigan
- 1 pair of swimsuit (better beli kat sini, dekat sana sexy2 :O )
- Tudung (5 psg tudung ala2 ariani; senang je nak pakai waktu2 malam, 4 anak tudung, 5 shawls, 5 tudung bawal)
- Brooches ( 15 pin include Paan punya, jarum peniti)
- Kain batik
- Towel
- Small bottle of shampoos, cream bath
- Small toothpaste and toothbrush
- Mellaleuca facial wash
- Minyak gamat, minyak Mellaleuca
- Contact lens with traveler's solution
- Nail clipper
- Small Johnson's baby powder
- Anakku baby lotion (my favourite T____T )
- V.S perfume
- Sabun taharah (samak soap)
Make up bag
- Loose powder
- Concealer C.D and body shop
- Moisturizer Mallaleuca
- Mellilia cream (compulsory!)
- Smooth mousse Maybelline
- Lip liner
- Lip bum (Paan cakap is a must)
- Eye liner
- Tafsir Al-Quran dan doa buku hijau
- Stationary ( pencil box, files, books)
- Laptop (consider to bring it or not)
- Medical stuff ( buy at Suzie's clinic : fever, flue, stomach ache)
- International plug adapter
- Charger phone Sony Ericson
Food (Adabi's sponsor)
- 1 pack nasi impit
- 3 pack kerisik
- Serunding (for sahur)
- Rempah ratus :
2. Kurma daging/ayam
3. Kulit kayu manis, bunga lawang, jintan, bunga cengkih
4. Instant (Perencah nasi goreng, mee goreng, bihun goreng, tom yam)
5. Cube ayam maggi, secukup rasa maggie, sup bunjut
- Sos cili ( yang packet ala2 KFC/MCD punya)
- Belacan
- Asam jawa and asam keping
- Small toiletries bag
- Small make up bag
- Spectacles
- Sweater
- Sox world socks ( kambing biri-biri material, suitable for a long distance journey)
- Some chocs
- Small towel
- Mini bottle of perfume
- Some medical stuff (active fast, muscle joint)
- Handiplast
p/s: This is just my personal checklist. If there's any addition items, you just put a comment below
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