The 3 websites I visit most often

A'salam :) Today is another ordinary day indeed.
Nothing special. However Chik already back to KL, alahhh
I dont know what I've been doing know is a healthy lifestyle or not *sah-sah tak
Going to bed 4 am and woke up at 11, then laptop it is
Haishh I have to admit that I kinda miss busy life
Can you imagine when you're in KMB, 
wake up at 6 and going to bed at 3
And the feeling of taking your head to the pillow
is like heaven! Dapat tidur 5 minit pon cukup laa
And what happen now? Nak tidur pon kena paksa diri

Okay today I want to show the five websites I visit most often
The first ranking is TWITTER!
I've been indulge myself with twitter since 2010
Second is FACEBOOK, however facebook is now looking lame and gloomy
Just open it to update myself with pictures
The third website is 9GAG
Oh I love this 9gag so much, you can spend your time from morning until late at night
Did I tell you, it's so funny also?


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