Things after IB in KMB


Excited mode *on

Hey guys (still ada orang nak baca ke?),
Okay never mind. It has been a year since I updated my blog
Many things changed, like seriously serious
Including myself- My weight (obviously), my height, my confidence level and even my thoughts
Last fortnight I had the chance to see my friends, I mean my schoolmate friends
I miss them so much
I'm feel glad that their treatments are like before, no awkwardness exist between us
That's why I can rely my feeling on 5 Sultanah's girls
I told them that I have least confidence about getting further my studies in United States
One of them replied with this,

'Dont worry, study in overseas is not our major aim,
Our aim is that being successful in both our life and also akhirat,
Not able to study in overseas doesn't mean that you're not good enough,
Allah count on our efforts not the results,'

I feel so blessed around this kind of people,
It soothed me more or less,
But it doesn't mean that I lose hope to study in United States,
When I think back,
After 2 years in IB,
I think I deserve some rewards,
InsyaAllah if there's rezeki, Allah will grant it.

2 weeks away from International Baccalaureate life,
Happy? Sad? Empty? Missing?
Yeah I have to admit that all these feelings are tortured me
And and and so just you know that I keep on dreaming about KMB every SINGLE day
God, I miss the environment so bad. I miss the jogging track, basketball, DS, KFC, dobi, koop, friends, classmates and also teachers!
Hope they are fine :)


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