
Which one is better?? Or anyone got idea what to buy for my mom's birthday??

Just appreciate people around you

Girl: Slow down, I'm scared.
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No it's not. Please it's too scary!
Guy : Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
Girl: *hugs him*
Guy: Can you take my helmet off and
put it on yourself?? It's bugging me.
Girl:Alright, now slow down
Guy: I love you babe
Girl: I love you too, please just slow
down now! Please!!!
(in the paper the next day):
A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of a brake failure. Two people were on it, but only 1 had survived . The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him and felt her hug one last time, then he had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.
Quote of the day:
Have you ever stood in front of your mirror for hours? Trying to memorise your face. Next time try memorising your eyes.
p/s: Just now Bapak gave me his pistol for me to hold..I observed and tried to shoot (mcm aksi dlm Gerak Khas), of course there's no bullet in it..

29th January 09

my lil' cute+grumpy nephew
Just a few days to go into February Time goes so fast Today, I use all my times watching IRIS What a great Korean Drama Loves Kim Tae Hee Dunno what to do after this Keep nagging to myself not to nervous about QTI test Hungry all the time but keep it shut Need to go to the gym after this wif mommy Likes to 'sakat' S.I.L everyday Likes to skype/video cam wif Sumie Likes to gossip wif Raihan Rindu 5 Sultanah 2009 class monitor, Athirah All da best to Munchy Snow Welcome home, Hafieza Noraziz My idea already finish Dunno what to write now Till here then
Quote of the day:
"광대의 눈물 뒤에 숨어" "Hiding behind the tears of a clown" credits to my Bro, Park Yoohwan

What did I do today?

Nothing much
Yesterday, I went to bed almost 5.30 am
Got something to gossip and 'mengadu' wif Raihan
I also helped her to 'make up' her blog
Today I went to Pacific wif Mommy to buy groceries
I went to drag0n cd shop to change You're Beautiful cd
Then this evening 'orang surat khabar' came to take all my books+papers
I got RM7.50 for that
(Want to keep that money to topup my phone credit+shopping to Hatyai, heeee~)
I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house
That don't bother me
I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out
I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while
Even though going on with you gone still upsets me
There are days every now and again I pretend I'm ok
But that's not what gets me What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was tryin' to do
It's hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go
But I'm doin' It
It's hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I'm alone
Still Harder
Getting up, getting dressed, livin' with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade give away all the words that I saved in my heart
That I left unspoken What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do
What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do
Not seeing that loving you
That's what I was trying to do

My be❤ved Chubby (n_n)

This is for you, Kakak ❤ ❤ ❤ Miss this words "Nebie pi nena, nelan2 neta, x nebeik," ??
~Whatever it takes~ ~Or how my heart breaks~ ~I will be right here~ ~Waiting for you~
(p/s: ta larat dah aih nk tunggu)

Date (*_____*)

Bored again..Already finished watching Shining I guess after this wanna watch You're Beautiful..Shinw0o oppa ❤ ❤ (someone dun be jealous).. This morning that mamat I***n call me again..but that time kakak on video call with me and mama..So, I keep rejecting his call..anyhow I really dun want to accept his call as I dunno to speak and understand I*d*n..Aig0o~really disturbing me..then when he already fed up, he sent me this "Sombong sekali jadi manusia..makhluk kurang baik." I just laughed when I read this..He also sent that word through facebook unlucky I am..but it's okay..not a big matter to me..
☆☆ ☆•*¨*•.¸¸❤¸¸.•*¨*•☆☆☆
31st December 2009, 1st January 2010, 12th January 2010, 22nd January 2010 and 23rd January 2010..the numbers are related..wut's up with that date??? I think all these dates are really important to me..many things/problems happened on this date

♪♫ 31st January 2010- celebrating New Year after struggling in SpM exam

♪♫1st January 2010-hurmmm..s.i.l told me that Yoochun ***s her..aig0o~really heartbroken that time

♪♫12th January 2010-best memory so far i think...i like Smiley

♪♫22nd January 2010-best outing with friends but yet I feel horrible+sad+angry

♪♫23rd January 2010- I woke up in the middle of night to read blog when Raihan sent me a message..this date also Azreen went to K.L..o0whh already miss her~~

Quote of the day:
When we first talked to each other I knew we would always be friends. Our friendship has kept on growing And I'll be here for you to the end. You listen when I have a problem And help dry the tears from my face. You take away my sorrow And put happiness in its place. We can't forget the fun we've had Laughing 'til our faces turn blue. Talking of things only we find funny People think we're insane-If they only knew! I guess this is my way of saying thanks For catching me when I fall. Thanks once again for being such a good friend And being here with me through it all.
p/s: dedicate this to her

Last nite

..Last night was unlucky night.. ..I got a grumpy stomach..aigo0~.. ..It hurts Smiley till I couldn't sleep at all.. ..So I just watched Shining Inheritance(Zhafa's favourite korean drama) all night long.. ..I'm tired rite now.. So, I guess wanna 'qada' back my sleep.. chaljya~
p/s: Zhafa, the ***s scene of Shining Inheritance reminds me of Heaven Postman..w0opsie~

Sumie ask me to do it (^_^)

1. 5 ciri-ciri lelaki idaman: ❤mat solleh (mama always ask me to find mat solleh not mat salleh) ❤hensem ❤loaded ❤respect my parents ❤loves me forever 2. 5 lelaki yg anda minati sepanjang hidup: ❤my dad(my idol) ❤micky yuchun ❤edward cullen ❤tun dr. mahathir mohammad ❤syeikh muzaffar 3. 5 perasaan bila anda keluar dengan lelaki yg anda minati: ❤kyaaaaaa~ ❤so lucky ❤OMO?? ❤shy shy cat (*_*) ❤let's enjoy baby(refer to micky) 4. 5 tempat yg anda ingin melawati bersama pasangan anda: ❤Mekah(for sure) ❤Paris(Micky wanna go to this place for honeymoon) ❤Korea(my hometown,haha) ❤Japan ❤Alaska-LOL 5. 5 barangan istimewa yg ingin anda hadiahkan kepada pasangan anda: ❤ children(copy sumie's answer) ❤Love(is it barangan?hentam ja labu) ❤car(porsche panamera) ❤piano ❤heart-shaped garden 6. 5 lagu yg mungkin anda nyanyikan kepada pasangan anda: ❤lullaby ❤love in the ice ❤glory of love ❤endless love ❤everything I do 7. 5 orang yg anda ingin tag: ❤zhafa ❤sumie ❤azreen ❤raihan ❤hakima

-(● ^ o ^ ●)-

Specially for you-know-who


~Sorry I didn't reply your msgs~ ~Sorry I didn't pick up the phone~ ~Sorry dat I broke our promise~ ~Sorry that I slept early yesterday~ ~Sorry that I make you worried whole nite long~ ~Sorry that I always grumpy~ ~Thanks for that post~ ~Really appreciate it~ ~u always my S.I.L~
S.I.L=secretly in love?? lawak arr Sumie neyh
Quote of the day: I would love you for thousand times rather than crying for thousand times p/s: I dedicate this to you

23th January 2010

what's up with that date?? at 5.20 p.m, Azreen called me..
she said that she will going to K.L at 5.30 p.m with her beloved mommy she said to me "Umy, awak wajib masok Taylor's and kita akan tunggu awak kat sana," Insyaallah..if there's oppurtunity, I will go there to continue my study Azreen, we'll always love ♥ ♥ ♥ you and pray for your success.. If I got the chance, I will go to K.L and visit you.. ~wait for me there~ dun worry, I will take care Yunho for you (^_^) LOVE, ..uMy, your best friend..

Fun times at Pacific

Today, 22 Januari 2010, we went to Pacific to celebrate Hana and Azreen.They got BNM scholarship and they will continue their studies in U.K..I'm really proud of them..We went to play bowling there after long time 'terperap' at best
(● ^ o ^ ●) -(● ^ o ^ ●) -(● ^ o ^ ●)
Family 0uting: 1. uMymicky 2. toeks' 3. ajin yunho 4. Sumie cintakuu~ 5. Zhafa S.I.L 6. Anisxiahfirah 7. Kima ehem ehem 8. hana (^_^) 9. Fieza comeL 10. Shyrahhh 11. Anis Amanina 12. Furzanie Junpy0 13. Sabiha 14. wan haRnee
Friends Forever~no matter what happen in the future
We like to pose as a model (^0^)
Happy with the friends~
Raihan, Sumie, Ajin
In elevator
Ess and Hun
Quote of the day: Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together


I'm bored right now..At the same time I'm feel really distracted 'bout rejecting UTP..I know it's a golden opportunity by getting that scholarship. This morning I got the chance to meet with Nuun at Ilmu Baru (she already passed JPJ test, congrats!)..She is t0eks, she tried to make me feel regret 'bout rejecting UTP.. She said that if she were me, she definitely will take the flight to Ipoh this night and register tomorrow in can she said that to me..'mailon btoi'.. I was wondering if I get UTP email 2 weeks earlier and got enough time for preparation , I think I will go to UTP..but that will never happen..I just got one day to prepare for goin' UTP..*sigh* But I always think like this, maybe there's 'hikmah' behind all of this..Allah always give us the best choice, fair and square.. I'm just curious, if I go to UTP suddenly, what will my friends think and feel 'bout this... First is Zhafa..I know it's kinda weird but I really wanna know what's in her mind and what is her feeling if I left to UTP too sudden as we always 'sms'ing everyday..and this gonna change if I go to UTP.. Second is Sumaiyah, My 'cintaku'..haha..yesterday when I said to her that I get UTP scholarship, she said to me "Don't leave me, don't don't don't [copied from Skype (^_^)]....because we always chatting in Skype and Facebook..We're teasing each other and making scandal in Facebook.. (● ^ o ^ ●) Third is Raihan..this evening, she said that "I dislike when people moved away because they changed and we'll never be the same anymore,"..We have to accept the fact that everyone will have their own pathway after this..rite?? Fourth is Hafieza, are u regret?? Anyway guys, I already made my decision by rejecting that scholarship..I'm just curious wanna know what's in your mind only..haha ngadaaa~ And for Azreen, good luck for this 25th January, I know you can do it..I just want you to know that I always love you and remain as your best friend forever..Please do not forget me as your best friend and please forgive all my mistakes to you~~I really have a great time with you in school..You're my best best friend ever..Insyaallah if there is 'rezeki', we will meet at Taylor's College..will miss you.. Quote of the day: I'm going to tell you this everyday, so you please listen carefully,
I LOVE YOU ♥ ♥ ♥

A day in Scho0L-SBT-

First of all, congrats to ASMA that now known as 'Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi (SBT)' awarded by Ministry of Education..jia you!! Today I went to school(really really miss my school Smiley) with Azreen and Raihan..Hana, Paan and Shyrah also joined us.. We went to Bilik Pengurusan at first..At there, we chat with 'P.K Kanan', Puan Fauziah Ramli..She explained 'bout SBT thingy..only 20 schools in Msia are awarded with SBT..really proud with ASMA Smiley Then, we went to Staff r0om to see teachers and 'salam2', Cegu Harum was also there Smiley..haha We also went to Bilik Media to see Ustaz..o0whh how much I miss your quiz,'re the best Ustaz ever..haha After that, we went to lab to see Cegu Zait0n to give back all the text books (yeay Zhafa, I already give, when is your turn pulak?)haha The best part, I saw Mr. Ong teaching Form 5 in the lab, I heard he said "Understand?" but no one replied him as usual (we also experienced this in 2009..LOL), then he repeat "Understand Girls?"o0whh how much I miss th0se 'girls' word, Mr Ong~~ Around 1.30p.m, my mom already in porch waiting for me and Raihan, at first Raihan wanted to go home, but then I asked her to go back with me..GOSSIPING TIME~We chat and chat until she fall asleep..haha..many heart-to-heart topics that we discuss..Best best (^_^) p/s: Raihan, thanks for loving my Quotes..hak cipta terpelihara 0kay..haha
~Yuchun DBSK is now a grandfather..Parking, u're soooo cute~ Now, this is My Beloved Baby~ p/s; just for you, kakak.

~Surprised News~

This evening, Azreen called me and she told that she got BNM scholarship in Law..I'm happy for her..She said that I'm the first person who knows 'bout this..thanks Azreen for that, really appreciate it..but then Im very jealous+sad..She will go to Taylor's University College which is my dream university as kakak also studied there.. Tonite when I want to check my email, I'm so shock as I see 'Tawaran Melanjutkan Pengajian'..Firstly I thought it just a common brochure that Ministry of Education want to promote their University..So I just click my email to see further information 'bout that..Suddenly I saw this=


Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa anda telah dipilih dan ditawarkan untuk melanjutkan pengajian anda di Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) bagi Sesi Kemasukan Januari 2010.

Butir-butir kursus adalah seperti berikut :

i. Program Asas Kejuruteraan – 1 Tahun (3 semester)

disusuli dengan

ii. Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi Petroleum Geosains4 tahun

iii. Penaja : Persendirian

iv. Maklumat Pendaftaran : 9.00 Pagi, 22 Januari 2010

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Dilampirkan bersama e-mail ini adalah salinan Lampiran (Pengambilan Jan 2010) untuk rujukan dan tindakan lanjut anda. Salinan asal surat dan pakej tawaran akan diserahkan semasa hari pendaftaran.

Sila abaikan tarikh tutup penerimaan tawaran manakala pembayaran sebanyak RM 720 boleh dibuat semasa hari pendaftaran di UTP.

Tahniah di atas pilihan anda untuk melanjutkan pengajian di UTP. Semua kakitangan dan pelajar UTP mengucapkan “SELAMAT DATANG” dan mengalu-alukan kehadiran anda ke UTP.

Then, I went to inform Mama and Bapak 'bout this..deep in my heart, I know that I will reject this scholarship as we don't have money to pay Rm 15k for three semester (but this is not the main reason why I reject the scholarship)..I'm happy+sad for this..Happy because they offer me first choice of subject which is Geoscience..sad because I don't have passion in Engineering..Mama and Bapak said to me, "Tapa larh kalo reject pon, ada hikmah nnti, mana taw dapat pi U.S macam kakak." I feel kinda relief when I heard those words..I think I've made my best decision so far..I'm looking forward for actual SPM result..Please pray for all of us, so that we all success and get excellent result..Amin.. p/s: Azreen, in Taylor's College, there's a lots of hot guy there including Korean guy..find for me one..haha

Because of Me (6_6)

I dunno what to write but let me tell a story to you.. (responded to her post).. As you expected, how could you think that my baby face Chunnie is the oldest??*throw a BIG stone to her* Smiley LOL..joking only~~ As you guys know DBSK/THSK/TVXQ is one of my inspiration, I know it sound kinda silly when u say that artists are your inspiration, but for me I think it's not fault..I get to know DBSK when I went to Azreen's house..If I'm not mistaken it was Saturday, I went there to jog because to prepare myself for 'Merentas Desa' in school. Azreen show to me Mirotic Mv and Kings Men parody..At first I really admire HERO JAEJOONG Smiley (sorry for the caps lock, just wanna show his name to Zhafa)..but then when I looked at Micky Yuchun, somehow I feel he is an unique guy with the lovely smile..On that moment, I told Azreen, "Yes. yes I like him,"..hihi..Thanks to Azreen Smiley. She also told that Micky and Junsu are really close and Cassiopeia call them Yo0Su Couple..I like, i like..Smiley Then I start 'sms'ing with Anis Zafirah about DBSK, she call herself as JUNSU and she call me as MICKY, we still use those name until now. Junsu, u're my YooSu Couple forever. If I'm not mistaken, in July, I introduce DBSK to Zhafa a.k.a S.I.L..frankly speaking, I have doubt to give her my precious pendrive (Sumie amek, x bgi balek lgi) because I think is it okay if I give this pendrive to her?? Yes yes, it is a best decision I made because now our DBSK group are already complete..thanks to me Smiley BECAUSE OF ME you manage to know DBSK ..hahah 12 January 2010- wut's up with that date?? this date is date where I didn't sleep at all-reading Twilight+'sms'ing with STALKER..muahaha..Zhafa, dun worry I still remember that date..and seriously my hand is 'lenguh' (your fault!haha)..when is your turn pulak to tell me your story?? How dare she call me a Stalker?? the truth is she is the REAL stalker..she love what I love. LIST= 1. DBSK 2. Jihoo sunbae 3. Eunhyuk 4. Jung YongHwa 5. Blog F.Y.I, I love these first except for Jung YongHwa, then you 'menyibok nk suka jugak'. p/s : hey you stalker, go entertain ur beloved 'mamat hindustan nuh'..
Quote of the day; If I had to decide between laughter, happy and cheeky, I will pick you because you have all of these qualities p/s; I hope you still keep this =)

Harry Potter Reading Marathon..wo0t wo0t..

I'm deadly bored right jokes 'bout some readings perhaps (o0wh how much i miss to read my Chemistry notes from Ting Ting. Teacher, i hope u fine! really miss you).. I decide to improve my English language in this holiday, so that I can prepare for the scholarship interview next time..( I think I failed my interview in UTP, that's why I don't get that scholarship but I'm okay with that as Mama said, "ada hikmah tu.") I think I want to read back all the Harry Potter books so that I will not wasting my time just sleep, sleep and sleep ..Mama once said to me that when we're sleeping to0 much, we can gain 0ur it true Mama?? I think so..that's why I'm diet now and jogging+ dancing Myspace  Iconsin Taman Rimba with Azreen, Raihan, and Faizah. I think I have to start reading right now..See u s0on Quote 0f the day: If friends are drugs, I will choose you coz you are addictive.
p/s: this sentence is specially made for me only..hakcipta terpelihara

My Weirdo Sister (@_@) holidays~

~Magic Kingdom Disney World~ A trip with Mara family ( I wish I could get Mara scholarship also, pray for me [^_^])
(Firdaus, Mickey Mouse, Erza)
p/s: dun try to steal Mickey from me!
My sis just came back from holiday in Disney World..seriously im damn jealous in here..but it's okay, im looking forward to go to London end of this year to meet with kakak there (mama dun forget to bring me also ^_^) I ask kakak to buy me something and she did not forget her promise to buy me Mickey Mouse shirt..when i look at the picture i think the shirt seems big size somehow..hello kakak, im dieting right now okay..anyway thanks for the lovely shirt..(ehemm..ehemm..dun forget to buy me an Ipod)..and one more thing, kakak dun forget to ask Firdaus and Fawwaz to buy something.. i want a huge bear (6_6) okay~
My Mickey Mouse tshirt (when do you want to send this to me?)
I want this Ipod touch exactly look like this!
Aigo0~ i want that 'patung' t0o..
Kakak in Epcot Disney World..wearing Kimono..oh girl, u do not look like a japanese l0o~(jgn berangan keyh)