
I'm bored right now..At the same time I'm feel really distracted 'bout rejecting UTP..I know it's a golden opportunity by getting that scholarship. This morning I got the chance to meet with Nuun at Ilmu Baru (she already passed JPJ test, congrats!)..She is t0eks, she tried to make me feel regret 'bout rejecting UTP.. She said that if she were me, she definitely will take the flight to Ipoh this night and register tomorrow in can she said that to me..'mailon btoi'.. I was wondering if I get UTP email 2 weeks earlier and got enough time for preparation , I think I will go to UTP..but that will never happen..I just got one day to prepare for goin' UTP..*sigh* But I always think like this, maybe there's 'hikmah' behind all of this..Allah always give us the best choice, fair and square.. I'm just curious, if I go to UTP suddenly, what will my friends think and feel 'bout this... First is Zhafa..I know it's kinda weird but I really wanna know what's in her mind and what is her feeling if I left to UTP too sudden as we always 'sms'ing everyday..and this gonna change if I go to UTP.. Second is Sumaiyah, My 'cintaku'..haha..yesterday when I said to her that I get UTP scholarship, she said to me "Don't leave me, don't don't don't [copied from Skype (^_^)]....because we always chatting in Skype and Facebook..We're teasing each other and making scandal in Facebook.. (● ^ o ^ ●) Third is Raihan..this evening, she said that "I dislike when people moved away because they changed and we'll never be the same anymore,"..We have to accept the fact that everyone will have their own pathway after this..rite?? Fourth is Hafieza, are u regret?? Anyway guys, I already made my decision by rejecting that scholarship..I'm just curious wanna know what's in your mind only..haha ngadaaa~ And for Azreen, good luck for this 25th January, I know you can do it..I just want you to know that I always love you and remain as your best friend forever..Please do not forget me as your best friend and please forgive all my mistakes to you~~I really have a great time with you in school..You're my best best friend ever..Insyaallah if there is 'rezeki', we will meet at Taylor's College..will miss you.. Quote of the day: I'm going to tell you this everyday, so you please listen carefully,
I LOVE YOU ♥ ♥ ♥


akitA ymU said...

ijad; slamat tahun baru jgak~

SH said...

selamat tahun baru cina =.=

akitA ymU said...

sumie; o0iii lambat lagi larhh..haiyaaa x sbaq nk makn buah limau ka..

SH said...

BAHAHA maw limau! XD

Anonymous said...

limau sir ong?
tamaw~nk angpow looo~~

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