Buziest Day

Today woke up early at 9 o'clock (for me, kira awai la tue..ahaha)
Then, went down to look for Marissa, feed her milk wif her big bottle susu
then she fell asleep I'm a gud nanny rite? (^_^) Then this late evening, I went to Tropicana Mall wif K.Dalia+Anis
Took Sirih Junjung at Florist, I hold dat..
Everyone stared me wif weird0 lo0k when I hold dat thing
Im still young to married okay?haha
Then, one pacek guard came to me and say, "sirih junjung kan, cantik2"
And I just smile to him ~sirih junjung~ Then at night, K.Dalia, K. Na, K. Fan and me hias hantaran
We do it ourselves, no need to hire a workers or order it sumewhere else
baru la meriah sikit Dis is my dulang created by me.. how was it?
After dis, me and my kazen wanna open a company
Hantaran Kawen company..ahah..sure laku punya~
Then, we celebrate our gurl-nk-tunang's birthday
Today, is her birthday, same date wif engangement day
Romantic kot! These two are my anak menakan..posing as a model like her auntie Umy
so, dun blame them..ahaha
Da first picca is Muhammad Aqil Haq aka Jonas Brother (curly hair)
Second picca is Tia Zahra, like a princess At last, pelamin siap jugak at 1.30 a.m!! Amat cantik sangat~if like this, I wan to get engage also..mna aci!
ahahah..fresh flowers especially shocking pink roses are everywhere
p/s: I really miss u guys, jinja!


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