A Fantastic Day with Them

Hajah-hajah KFC:
  1. UmyMicky
  2. SumieMyHoney
  3. Jae @ Sil
  4. Athirah DODO
  5. Raihan Junpyo
  6. Anis A copilot
  7. Paan posing
Today at 1.45 pm I went to fetch Raihan first (besa la rumah dekat ja) Then, the next destination was Sumie's house At last, I know your house, so everyday (hiperbola) I will go to your house then After that I went to Sil's house to fetch her Today, I was a full time 'bertauliah' driver, amah, & photographer so many title I got today, 'thanks' to Sil..ish2 Then, we all pecut rushing to KFC as DODO give Raihan a message: "Mana mpa suma nie? macam siput sedut!" (Actually siput sedut was dedicate to Raihan only..take note 'bout dat) Sumaiyah a.k.a birthday girl blanja we all ate ayam goreng KFC thanks dear~ Love love love you! Then, we decided to go to Tecer Noni's house Just a visit, but then she said she was busy on that time when we called her So we cancel our plan Then, we came out with a good idea, how about a cake then? So, we went to Kek Sayang, konvoi (because DODO was following us wif her handsome motorcycle) My car was packed wif xbertauliah co-pilots especially SIL (joking! glad dat u be my copilot) Today when I drove, seriously got so many halangan (ayat Anis. A) such as Bomba behind my car, so I need to give them way eventhough traffic light still red Apa lagi kena pecut la, to my friends a.k.a co-pilots, sorry if you all terkejut+scared when I drove today (^_^) but still I think that was my best experience since I drive car After buying blueberry cake in Kek Sayang, our next destination was Sil's house (jum kita terjah!) DODO was following us handsomely(?) wif her motor as she dunno where was Sil's house Actually DODO, we all (except me) were laughing at you in the car especially RAIHAN Mianhae~haha After arrived at Sil's house, We all celebrating our birthday gurl wif happy birthday song (Allah selamatkan kamu version)+blueberry cake
Tudia, birthday girl nk potong kek!
Aaaaa'aaa, nganga nk suap! Bdw, teka-teki nie, who's hand is that?
Then, as usual after finished eating cake, picca time! This fountain is really my favorite place! Snap, snap & snap picca until I was really tired already..haha sorry guys~ Then, decided to go home Send Sumie+Paan to Sumie's house and Anis. A to her house Then went home~ Seriously guys, I think this was the best day so far in 2010 I really have fun wif u guys after so long we didn't meet Thanks very much! "Nanti bila-bila, kita semua outing lagi keyh? Kita ajak satu kelas" Sil Sil Sil, I like the smell of dis flower..Mai tanam kat my house satu (^__^) p/s: Kepada hajah-hajah suma, I already took my medicine okay..ishh2..and to Pojataecrobpatt, gud lux for tomorrow! I know you can do it.
My word of the day: Thanks Allah for giving me precious friends that I will never regret of!


Nur Athirah said...

tht pic turned out to be exactly as i was predicted.0_o..tak elok!!tapa,yg penting~~
bdw,tgn sapa ntah hensem sgt tue???!!!
tgn aku la~~~
ku da agak mpa suma gelak msa ku bwk moto!especially cik zhafa songeh!!
tapala,nk wat cena..x mampu bwk keta T_T
tq guys fr inviting me ^^ i'll cherish those moments frever~!

akitA ymU said...

hishhh DODO nie~lawa paa gmbaq tu..tapa2, i'll upload more picca in fb..tggu~
bdw, tasabaq pulak nak neik keta yg dibawa dodo..chaiyok2..i know u can do it..

SH said...

HAHA trex yg hensem!
rean tgoda gila kat ank kot! :D

weeeeeee i seriously had lots of fun tday
thnks umy, & everyone! (:

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