Anak Dara Jalan Merata

This is my 100th post
So, it will be a long long entry, seriously!!
To a person who got dizziness+Parkinson+Alzheimer+boring disease
is not advisable to read this post
unless you already took your medicine Woke up 'early' in the morning wif her wake up called+stupido phone alarm
Then took a kerbau bath in the toilet
Seriously I'm late now
Hakima will come to my house in any minute
Luckily I already opted a dress to wear today,
not like Anis Zafirah who really 'pening' to choose what clothes she wanted to wear (O.o)
Then, I got phone call from Hakima,
She asked me where is my house
even though she already outside my house
I'm salute her for her bravery to drive Avanza (besaq kot keta tu)
I invited her to come in first as I'm not finished combing my hair (tah pa2)
As expected, she gave me her homemade chocolate cake
Fyi, I'm the one who asked her to make chocolate cake
Sorry Kima, no cookies for you today, wait for this Sunday okay? After got my mom's permission to go out,
Hakima and I went to City Plaza first,
After that, it still t0o early to go to Pacific
unless you want me helped the staff to open their stall
Then, I came out wif tricky idea,
how about we 'terjah' Junsu's house (known as Anis Zafirah)
As she said, there's no one can send her to Pacific this morning
So, Kima and I drove to her house,
It was easy to find her house,
Jalan Titi Siam(I'm so curious about the name),
No. 1818B and green in colour
At last we found her house and saw her
Her expression was like "Saya terkena Bang Bang Boom!!" haha
She still not taking her bath yet,
and unluckily she didn't got a key to open that door grill
So, I asked her to take her bath first, 15 mins only!
Me and Kima merempat sit at the front of her house
and thinking how to steal buah pelam in that tree (Ok, it's a lie)
After chot chet chot chet wif Kima about this and that
and not to forget, snapping a picca, Junsu yaa~sorry x mintak permission nk tangkap gmbaq kat fountain nie =)
Finally our princess that we're waiting for about 20 mins
came out wif her cutie pinky clothes,
She said luckily her mom left a spare key in her mom's handbag
So, our next destination was going to Pacific hurriedly,
As Poja sent message to me, 'Kmi takot nie jln soqng2 kat Pacific
To Poja, biyane~
After we parked the car at PKNK parking lot, titled Pengurus Operasi for more detailed
We walked terkedek-kedek to Pacific
and found Furzanie at McD aloned there..sian baby~
Then, we planed to play bowling but then there's a bowling competition, hampeh~
So, we went to cd shop as Poja said she wanted to search Twilight OST
but not found there, only got original one in Speedy which worth 50++
But then, I found Break Out! cd, wuh0o~ even though not a original one,
who cares right? As long as I got my DBSK collection
My stomach already make a rocky song,
then we went to McD
and ordered Ayam Goreng McD for me and Double cheeseburger for Junsu-shii
The rest, they said they're on diet..cissss!
Then about 12.50 pm, we say bubye to Poja
and not to forget Poja gave me Eclipse
To Ran, wif my 'saya budak baek' face expression,
I'm going to give to you Eclipse first for you to read, tomorrow okayh? Then, Hakima and I sent Junsu back to her house before going
to fetch Wanie & Haikal at Tuition 100
Our next destination was Hakima's house
Hoho, eager to go because this was the first time goin' there
Seriously, the road not taken going to Hakima's house
is very complicated
But still I managed to memorize, syabas bete syabas
After arriving at Hakima's house,
Me and Kima busying ourselves 'goreng' chicken for Haikal and Wanie
So, (I already said this post is long) our 4th destination was going to A.S Mall
Here we go~
After reaching there, we went to shop for purple blouse, again dun ask why
That purple blouse is for Kima not me
Then at one kiosk, we found not only purple blouse but one tshirt for me *giggle* Then after that, we sent Wanie to Tuition Ting Ting,
Me and Kima wanna met wif her but unluckily Ting Ting cancel off the tuition
Huhu~sad sad, I seriously miss her, miss to see her wearing black tshirt+pants
How many destination dah? 0oO after dis our 7th destination,
Going to fetch Haikal at Tuition T.M but then bounced to see Cegu Rusli,
Hope to see Tecer Ting Ting but bounced to see Cegu Rusli, haha
That time we all in car and opened the window, screamed 'Cegu Rusli!'
You know what, he just said to us, "Tu longkang tu bebeik"
padahal jaoh lagi
We went to talk wif him, as expected he just talked 'bout result..huu~takot!
Lastly, Hakima sent me home at 5 o'clock
Then, before my butt touch the sofa,
Mama asked me to help her potong ubi keledek for kenduri syukur for my neighbor
Again sumthing happen to me, I cut my finger (sikit ja pon, x putus aih..haha) Alang-alang menyeluk pekasam, biarlah sampai ke pangkal lengan,
I want to write a speech to make my post even longer To my Mum & Dad,
I really really really love you all,
sent me to Mesir okeyh? *wink wink*haha impossible To my Sister a.k.a Chims,
Bila nk hantaq dvd tu? really miss you~(x bodek pon naa) To all my friends,
Best of luck this becoming thursday
Hope we all get excellent result, Insyaallah. Blogger Friends: To Sil,
Gud Luck 4 Qti test tomorrow
and dun worry too much 'bout dat probs To Syira,
See u this Thursday okeyh,
and please fix ur skype or else I hentak2 kaki satgi To Sumie,
My honey bunch, I want ur free hugs ;p ;p To Raihan,
I can see your smile..heee~ To Hakima,
See u tomorrow and this becoming Sunday To Junsu,
Tidoq la awai2 skit To DODO,
Sayang nya awk x bleyh ikot skali esok ;( To Fiemie,
Teringat masa kat klas 5S dulu2 ^^ To Amira Atikah,
Get well s0on! Hwaiting! To Xaty,
Cheer up babe! To Abzarul,
Lama x jumpak awk! and lastly To Zack Zuhairi,
Evendo possibilities for you to open my blog is tipis,
but still I wanna write a speech for you,
I really really really admired your blog, take me to Japan t0o please?haha
Okay okay I know my post is really berjela-jela,
till then ~adios~ ~annyeong~


SH said...

mmg gila bjela jela
wowwww jalan sakan nmpk?
huhuhu :D

akitA ymU said...

saja nk wat pnjang..skali skala..
well~ i kan ada driver harini..jalan ja larh pi mna2 pon ikut driver..haha

A.Z. said...

OMG~~~ all my house details are in here!!!
klu kena rompak, smua salah umy!!
hahahaha XD
(please just put a cross on my home address)

...err xaty?! said...

todeaa umy.
rndu nk buat krngn ka?

airxha said...

sempat g tu bg speech kt org bwah skali ..
nway lgu pa ni????

Anonymous said...

and thanks!!
isj.anak dara jln merata.
kaki dua,xsket ka??

pantun.sort of..;p

Anonymous said...

umy~!! lama x jumpa gakk..
insya Allah ari kamis ni kita jumpa..
ish2.. bestnya kalu ada kebebasan spt mu..
*sobb~ T___T

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