A day wif Nuun+Tesco+Muffin

1 muffin= Rm 5
Start a day wif Nuun's call
That time still sleeping+dreaming about Yuchun
Then, my phone ring ring [fx tone-Chu]
Before accepting her call, I must control my voice first
so that, she wouldn't know, I still sleeping that time
Umy: Hello! (buat sora ceria sikit)
Nuun: Miey, tidoq lagi ka?(mission failed!)
Umy: Eh, saja baru bgun tidoq, semalm tidoq lambat (try to cover up)
Nuun: Oh, kita kat bank nie, satgi kita pi umah awak (yes! at least got sumone to come)
Umy: OKok..nak pi mandi sat..bye~
Then, around 11 she came to my house wif her cutie-pink scooter
Chot chet chot chet(gossiping) about 2 hours
As usual, she always got sumthing to tell/gossip wif me
Then, I helped her wif her new blog
(to Uncle Hantu, sorry x reply ur wallpost..I'm busy duhhh)
Then an interesting idea appeared in my mind
"Jom Nuun, kita buat muffin nak tak?"
Then, I try to search a muffin recipe in Kakak's folder
There there, I found it!
So, ask my mom's permission first to buy all ingredients at the bakery
But then my mom ask me to buy 'barang dapuq' at Tesco
'Bagaikan pucuk dicipta, ulam mendatang',
Me & Nuun apa lagi, hurray hurray drive to Tesco
I know it sounds overexcited (nak buat cena, dpt pi Tesco pon cukup baik than dok umah)
When arrived at Tesco, 'usaha' parking my car at tempat lapang,
as I'm only an amateur driver, dun wan to take a risk!
Then, Nuun and I start our mission searching for 'barang dapuq'
evendo my 'kaki cepek, jalan terkedek-kedek', pantun dua kerat nie
Then, we went home to start our real mission for today, really?haha
which is making muffin! hurmmm~
After 1/2 hour 'gaul sana gaul sini',
I put all the muffins in an oven and wait for 20 mins
After a long short wait, I peek to my muffin
but still look pale+xmasak
Then, I add on another 20 mins
At last, it turned out keraih kedekiang crunchy
DODO, ask me to bakaq until hangus that muffins
I wanna take your advice, DODO but I dun have guts (cehh..mengada punya ayat)
But it still yummy lerr!
Then I got phone call from Kakak, and she said to me:
Kakak: Dengaq kata muffin keraih kedekiang? (sah Mama told her!)
Umy: Ishh kakak punya resipi aarr yg ta sedap! (nk sabotaj muffin la nie)
So, the conclusion is that not my fault but dat recipe's fault
I give some muffins to my chef assistant, Nuun
Thanks Nuun for reducing my boring here, jogging esok..jum?
Until then..sleepy!
p/s: It's raining outside there..We love rain rite?


Anonymous said...

tamaw muffin keraih kediang!!
go home and practice..muahaha

akitA ymU said...

huishhh padia! Biaq arr..keras2 la sedap..taw!
U la go home n prektis masak ngan jae nuh!

Nu'uN said...

keqaihh ka?
kita mkn okayy ja.
coklat byk.
sdppp pa.
nt kita bwt cookies pulak nahh.
takpon tart.
kita decorate lawa2.
then p juai kt mna2 taska.
kompem laku.
lepas toh.
KITA kayaaaa :D

...err xaty?! said...

chef umy!
ish!terlioq sat tgk.

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