
Today, Bapak and I went to BSN
to make an account for me
So now, I got a bank card
Seriously lawa kot, Pink in color with circles shape gih!
Wuuu~I can draw money with my own card now
Then after settle all things,
Hakima and I went to see Tecer Ting Ting at the tuition
Before that, we bought Tecer a chocolate cake at Kek Sayang near there
Tecer Ting Ting as expected, wearing all black tshirt+pants (Favourite Wan)
She so surprised to see us there
She ask me about my result and I said that I got straight A's and A+ for Chemistry
She so happy and hugged me back then
Same things goes to Kima also
She also asked about Hafieza
After dat, I drove Hakima to Pacific
as we went to see KDU programme there
That Uncle explained to us about scholarship thingy about half an hour
And he said that me and Kima are qualified enough to get 10K for the scholarship
But still it just for A-level only, not a full scholarship And talking about scholarship rite, seriously I'm so messy+fussy to choose which one
I already make up my mind to take Accounting
But then, there are two choices, either JPA or Mara
But when I talked wif Mama, Bapak, chat with Fawwaz, plus Azreen asked to Abang Safwan,
They all said Mara is better for me as there's no lots of competition
Mara always give priority to MRSM students
So I'm risking my life for taking MARA scholarship
Hopefully I got that offer, you guys will pray for me, rite2?
About 6 p.m sumthing,
I sent Kima home,
On the way back, we were talking about favorite-future-husband-by-our-mums,
Kima knew the story behind this, rite?haha
And not to forget, Kima, thanks for your treat!
By the way, it's raining today and 'WE' LOVE RAIN!


Nur Athirah said...

u got ur own acc bank!
I got tabung haji only..haha..
umy!!!bila nk bwk kita jln2 neh??

fahrenchyma said...

haha..yg tu pn da dlm blog ke umy....

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