Because of Me (6_6)

I dunno what to write but let me tell a story to you.. (responded to her post).. As you expected, how could you think that my baby face Chunnie is the oldest??*throw a BIG stone to her* Smiley LOL..joking only~~ As you guys know DBSK/THSK/TVXQ is one of my inspiration, I know it sound kinda silly when u say that artists are your inspiration, but for me I think it's not fault..I get to know DBSK when I went to Azreen's house..If I'm not mistaken it was Saturday, I went there to jog because to prepare myself for 'Merentas Desa' in school. Azreen show to me Mirotic Mv and Kings Men parody..At first I really admire HERO JAEJOONG Smiley (sorry for the caps lock, just wanna show his name to Zhafa)..but then when I looked at Micky Yuchun, somehow I feel he is an unique guy with the lovely smile..On that moment, I told Azreen, "Yes. yes I like him,"..hihi..Thanks to Azreen Smiley. She also told that Micky and Junsu are really close and Cassiopeia call them Yo0Su Couple..I like, i like..Smiley Then I start 'sms'ing with Anis Zafirah about DBSK, she call herself as JUNSU and she call me as MICKY, we still use those name until now. Junsu, u're my YooSu Couple forever. If I'm not mistaken, in July, I introduce DBSK to Zhafa a.k.a S.I.L..frankly speaking, I have doubt to give her my precious pendrive (Sumie amek, x bgi balek lgi) because I think is it okay if I give this pendrive to her?? Yes yes, it is a best decision I made because now our DBSK group are already complete..thanks to me Smiley BECAUSE OF ME you manage to know DBSK ..hahah 12 January 2010- wut's up with that date?? this date is date where I didn't sleep at all-reading Twilight+'sms'ing with STALKER..muahaha..Zhafa, dun worry I still remember that date..and seriously my hand is 'lenguh' (your fault!haha)..when is your turn pulak to tell me your story?? How dare she call me a Stalker?? the truth is she is the REAL stalker..she love what I love. LIST= 1. DBSK 2. Jihoo sunbae 3. Eunhyuk 4. Jung YongHwa 5. Blog F.Y.I, I love these first except for Jung YongHwa, then you 'menyibok nk suka jugak'. p/s : hey you stalker, go entertain ur beloved 'mamat hindustan nuh'..
Quote of the day; If I had to decide between laughter, happy and cheeky, I will pick you because you have all of these qualities p/s; I hope you still keep this =)


Anonymous said...

alalala~ska jae..ish2..xptot btol..still..i still keep that laa..xsmppn saja...yalar.suma atas jasa anak pakcek kaza.btoi la 2...

ps:thats mamat hndustan is my father's..haha..

oi oi~
chunnie tua..dlu hot da..haha

ps:tgh dok cri blog template dbsk.still xjmpa

btw..kalu nk cri...tgk kt sni..lwa2 gak.

Anonymous said...

xabeh2 dgn dbsk try la tulih yg mnarek sket..nway wallpaper xelok..tukaq laen laa..

akitA ymU said...

kakak; hishhh..sorang lgi penyibok..elok paa wallpaper umy, the one who shud change is you..

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