Date (*_____*)

Bored again..Already finished watching Shining I guess after this wanna watch You're Beautiful..Shinw0o oppa ❤ ❤ (someone dun be jealous).. This morning that mamat I***n call me again..but that time kakak on video call with me and mama..So, I keep rejecting his call..anyhow I really dun want to accept his call as I dunno to speak and understand I*d*n..Aig0o~really disturbing me..then when he already fed up, he sent me this "Sombong sekali jadi manusia..makhluk kurang baik." I just laughed when I read this..He also sent that word through facebook unlucky I am..but it's okay..not a big matter to me..
☆☆ ☆•*¨*•.¸¸❤¸¸.•*¨*•☆☆☆
31st December 2009, 1st January 2010, 12th January 2010, 22nd January 2010 and 23rd January 2010..the numbers are related..wut's up with that date??? I think all these dates are really important to me..many things/problems happened on this date

♪♫ 31st January 2010- celebrating New Year after struggling in SpM exam

♪♫1st January 2010-hurmmm..s.i.l told me that Yoochun ***s her..aig0o~really heartbroken that time

♪♫12th January 2010-best memory so far i think...i like Smiley

♪♫22nd January 2010-best outing with friends but yet I feel horrible+sad+angry

♪♫23rd January 2010- I woke up in the middle of night to read blog when Raihan sent me a message..this date also Azreen went to K.L..o0whh already miss her~~

Quote of the day:
When we first talked to each other I knew we would always be friends. Our friendship has kept on growing And I'll be here for you to the end. You listen when I have a problem And help dry the tears from my face. You take away my sorrow And put happiness in its place. We can't forget the fun we've had Laughing 'til our faces turn blue. Talking of things only we find funny People think we're insane-If they only knew! I guess this is my way of saying thanks For catching me when I fall. Thanks once again for being such a good friend And being here with me through it all.
p/s: dedicate this to her


Anonymous said...

ish~~skip byk la 2..xmndalami~~
pjg post neh~~lbeh krang cm calendar..haha~~
sng ja~~block ja mamat indon 2 kt skype ngn fb~~abeh cta~~

akitA ymU said...

tapa la nk skip pon..jiimat mndalami naa..biaq aaa post panjang2..syok pa..cena nk block mat indon tu arr??haiyaahh mnyusahkan..

Anonymous said...

bkn ada option block user ka??
kalu skype tataw la plak~~haha

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