A day in Scho0L-SBT-

First of all, congrats to ASMA that now known as 'Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi (SBT)' awarded by Ministry of Education..jia you!! Today I went to school(really really miss my school Smiley) with Azreen and Raihan..Hana, Paan and Shyrah also joined us.. We went to Bilik Pengurusan at first..At there, we chat with 'P.K Kanan', Puan Fauziah Ramli..She explained 'bout SBT thingy..only 20 schools in Msia are awarded with SBT..really proud with ASMA Smiley Then, we went to Staff r0om to see teachers and 'salam2', Cegu Harum was also there Smiley..haha We also went to Bilik Media to see Ustaz..o0whh how much I miss your quiz, Ustaz..you're the best Ustaz ever..haha After that, we went to lab to see Cegu Zait0n to give back all the text books (yeay Zhafa, I already give, when is your turn pulak?)haha The best part, I saw Mr. Ong teaching Form 5 in the lab, I heard he said "Understand?" but no one replied him as usual (we also experienced this in 2009..LOL), then he repeat "Understand Girls?"o0whh how much I miss th0se 'girls' word, Mr Ong~~ Around 1.30p.m, my mom already in porch waiting for me and Raihan, at first Raihan wanted to go home, but then I asked her to go back with me..GOSSIPING TIME~We chat and chat until she fall asleep..haha..many heart-to-heart topics that we discuss..Best best (^_^) p/s: Raihan, thanks for loving my Quotes..hak cipta terpelihara 0kay..haha
~Yuchun DBSK is now a grandfather..Parking, u're soooo cute~ Now, this is My Beloved Baby~ p/s; just for you, kakak.


Anonymous said...

bg..nti2 la~~alala~~comey nya..kucing..ang parking is super cute!!
tpi kcing kta g comey~~walalala~~
rndu cgu harum!!;p

fieyza noraziz said...

yup2..mizz ngan lawak sir ong..huhu..kan best klu leh repeat da time..

akitA ymU said...

zhafa; kucing kta lgi comeyh naa! comey comey~lawak gla nma Parking, mcm parking keta ja..haha

fieza; rindu gla ngan sir 0ng..still maintained hensem..haha..seruis kalo ada alat utk putar masa, dah lama kta guna..

Anonymous said...

hahhaa..thanks sis! baby the cutest cat in the world!

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