What did I do today?

Nothing much
Yesterday, I went to bed almost 5.30 am
Got something to gossip and 'mengadu' wif Raihan
I also helped her to 'make up' her blog
Today I went to Pacific wif Mommy to buy groceries
I went to drag0n cd shop to change You're Beautiful cd
Then this evening 'orang surat khabar' came to take all my books+papers
I got RM7.50 for that
(Want to keep that money to topup my phone credit+shopping to Hatyai, heeee~)


Anonymous said...

haha.i like this post!!
5 star!!

akitA ymU said...

haha...arigatou..kamsahamnida..xie xie..
qasanya u like yg word of the day tu kan..haha

Anonymous said...

of course!
btoi dak tah eja~~haha

Aireen Rafa said...

ckop ka rm7.50 unt p hatyai? haha..

akitA ymU said...

ran; did u ever heard dis proverb "sikit2, lama2 jdi bukit"??aig0o..habih skolah gi neyh..haha

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