Fun Day (。◕‿◕。)

Yesterday was distressing day bcoz of something but today is opp0site of it As for my Mom's birthday, we ordered 'pulut kuning+gulai ayam' from Tok Teh serious yummylicious..kakak, again, jangan jealous! This evening, my Mom's friend, Aunty Bedah ask me to follow her to gym Kedah Club House, here I went This is da first time I went there( I know it sounds lame~) There are tennis court, swimming pool,gym I start my exercise with treadmill manage to walk+run on it about 2.5km in 30 minutes Then, I cycled about 10 mins and tried many more exercise devices seriously fun, u guys should try it After this I aim for 6 packs (only in my dream), "Junsu-shii, dun be jealous wif Micky naa" ahahaha Then, this night we went to Kenny Rogers, thanks to Aunty Na I think wut I do this evening was unworthy bcoz I ate until my stomach want to explode already When we paid for the bill, they gave us a piece of sheet to 'gores' Luckily, we got rm100 for voucher bravo bravo (tengok la sapa yg gores, ME!) Overall today is fun!
p/s: Just now Mama talked 'bout Mesir medic thingy, woaaaw, Mama, are u serious to 'bout this?? lastly, Kedah club, wait fr me to jump into ur swimming po0l~ Quote of the day: Most people would rather be certain they're miserable, than risk being happy and the best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up (so, i will cheer up u all after dis)


SH said...

bcos of something?
huhu jum p mesir! :D

akitA ymU said...

bcoz of sumthing??ahaha..bnyak perkara jdi~
jum2 pi mesir, awak bayaq tambang, kta bayaq duet makan..okeyh larr tu..

SH said...

xmo xmo maw simpan p Hatyai :DD

akitA ymU said...

okeyh..hopefully kta dua dapat gak pi hatyai by hook or by cr0ok..nk pi gak..x kira!!

SH said...

HAHA bapa lama pnya prancangan daa ~

akitA ymU said...

elehhh..tapa arr..rancang lama2 lgi bguih..lebey berkat..ahaha

Erza said...

shoooott!!!xaci nya!!! ur day is better than mine!
dh la dpt mkn plut kuning..huhu..kt sni nk cri mna la plut kuning..haih..cecece..aunty na blanja mkn..bkal mnantu katakn..haha

akitA ymU said...

kakak; bnyak daa mnantu..kakak arr jdi mnantu kat u.k. tuh..

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