Last nite I chat wif Sumie at 8tvnite live happy to see my name in tv screen Hope today Sil can join us t0o, rite?? Paan 'usaha' sent msg to me She said she saw my name in tv well,I'm peymous..wut can I say..heeee~ Paan, come join us okay? Then, las nite Fieza give me an honour to change her blog Then, wif 'semangat' I make up her blog wif love ;p So see da outcomes? I love her blog now cantek cantek! After dis I will visit her blog more frequent DODO, dun worry ur blog still no.1 to me ahahah Then I also wanted to change my layout to look da same wif Fieza which is TWIN BLOG but then I still love my old layout Raihan said "kaler hitam x sesuai, awk sesuai kaler ceria" I take your advice Raihan, you shud be proud..haha Now da clock is almost 5.45 a.m but still I'm not sleepy still mrapuw at Skype wif Fieza n Raihan DODO jus left Skype, sleeping maybe.. You know what Fieza, u're back!! I'm glad u're back~ To Dodo, "Selamat meng'drive' tomorr0w" Thanx Dodo fr dis song which is

Westlife - If Your Heart's Not In It

I dedicate this song to Fieza, DODO, n Raihan What a touching-feeling-sad song Fieza described this song: "lagu neyh mcm seseorang yg pretend dalam hidop, u need to tell da truth, feeling x bleyh di paksa-paksa" Dat's wut she said Raihan said this song suitable fr me When I look at da lyrics back, Yesss Raihan I'm agree This song really really suits wif me well And not to forget to Junsu-shii, Gud Luck fr ur driving class today..saranghae~ I think dat's all fr today, Raihan let's continue wif da blog okay?
Word of the day: Don't stop what you have started with, I cannot endure with it.. please, I beg you! p/s: Wan a.k.a Karamros welcome to blogger world!! hope u enjoy~~


fieyza noraziz said...

i'm glad too..haha..

Anonymous said...

nk join..tpi..TT

Aireen Rafa said...

ooh yeayy,, umy trima nsihat kta..
haha,, thnx2!
bdw,, ac2ally smalam kta x la fanatic sngat dgn lgu 2,, but now,, kta dah start fhm n ska..
yeayy 4 us! (mrepekk..) =p

akitA ymU said...

fieza; glad larrh sbb kta buat awk punya layout..ahaha
jj143; nk join tpi....?
ran; kta mmg suka gilen lyrics dya..mmg seswai utk kta dua..

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