
Today I went to date wif Raihan at Tesco Raihan was the first person who i drove to tesco.. just two of us.. Wow Raihan, you shud be proud, gurl ("Dia" pon kita x bawak lgi ^_^) Arrived Tesco at 11 o'clock sumthink Draw da money first at CIMB seriously, we look like grown up people (xmau jdi tua!) Actually we went there to buy things for BBQ (hotdog & lamb) After dat, we went to food court to quench our thirst by ordering cocktail gossip, gossip & gossip as usual!haha After that, went home to my house for lunch Menu of the day:
  1. Nasi Minyak
  2. Golek Itik
  3. Ayam goreng
  4. Gulai Ayam Kampung
  5. Kerabu
Yummylicious kot~ We ate until our stomach full Then, we had heart-to-heart conversation about what or about whom? Just two of us knows (^0^) She said usually when we wanna talk about heart feelin', the best time is 12 a.m n above, because dat time it easy to know our secret..haha Then my two cousins from K.L arrived How much I miss my niece n nephews Our house seriously havoc when boys meet da boys Then dis nite, we got BBQ besh besh! again, I ate until my stomach wanna explode Warning: after dis, dun do it again! must start diet before going to K.L.. A MUST!! okay dats all for today, wanna continue chatting wif Fieza n Nini (topic: mcm mna nk jdi wanita n about wasiat thingy..haha, Raihan, dun 4get to tell her bout dat if sumthing happen..haha..x betoi dah)
Word of the day;

With all my heart, find me, and I’ll be there for you


Erza said...

seriously u're making me jealous!!!! wateva it is pls2..tgkp gmbaq mukri..

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