Tired+Buzy+Best Day

Ini Marissa dengan Aunty Umy dia~
Hey, meet wif Shara Hannah Marissa
Wut a cute lil' gurl
Love to hold her in my arm
because I'm huggable [ada kaitan ka? (^_^)]
'That someone' say I got 'sifat keibuan'..we'll see another 9 years to go
whether it's true or not..haha
Tomorrow will be a busy day
as I need to company my kazen-gonna-be-tunang-orang
to buy this and that
Best best! My pleasure to do that
Hantaran all together got 7 dulang
2 of them are finished
muffin a.k.a bunga telur-nk-bagi-kat-orang also finished
as you can see, we got a lot of workers a.k.a amah to finished it..haha
okeyh~till then..
need to sleep early as I need to get up early~
daa~ from left: anis, sofiah, k.dalia (gonna be tunang A. Jen)
My Word of the Day: When the wind blowing to my face, I imagine u kissing me


Anonymous said...

word of the day:
sounds PERVERT!!

akitA ymU said...

sil; ishh mna da pervert pon..romantik apa~jeles2~

Anonymous said...

wwaa... cute ah bby tu..
brapa bulan??
or brapa mggu??
or brapa hr??

Nur Athirah said...

stuju ngn ab..
marissa amatlah comey!!!!!!
bertuah auntie dia :)

akitA ymU said...

ab n DODO; well~aunty dya comei, opcoz la baby comei..tgk gen larhh..ahaha..
abz, baby tu bru dua minggu ja..kecik kan..haaahh~addicted nk dukung dya..ahah

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