Trembling Tuesday (=__+)

Start off with planning going to wayang A.S Mall Kima wif Di, Fieza, Raihan joined me Raihan came to my house at 7 a.m sumthing Then as usual, I cannot escape any secrets from her Raihan is like the other part of me detective (satgi kembang pulak..haha) because she knows about everything Then, we went to A.S Mall On the way to A.S Mall, I got phone called from Sil She 'bebai'(?) about her driving teacher Then, I passed phone to Raihan because I was driving dat time Raihan thought Sil is Kima because Sil sound different..heh?ahaha When I arrived A.S Mall, I got a phone called from Mama "Umy, dekat seat belakang ada ayam, tolong hantaq balik rumah sekarang" Seriously, I just LOL all time wif Raihan on the way back because of Ayam?? I need to turn back to my house? To Kima, mianhae~ for waiting so long in your car Then, I really 'pecut' to A.S Mall back (dun try this at road) I met wif Kima, Di and Fieza there Fieza and Kima, I hope you like my present Fieza, please use and take care of my present wisely (^_^) We watched Percy Jackson & Lightning Thief, seriously best! 'Raihan hairan' wif me why I laughed so hard when watching dat movie maybe I was happy?hahah About 3 sumthing, I went to Sil's house At last, I know da map, so Sil wait for me to camp at your house(specific place at your fountain actually) ahaha 0h man, your house seriously rocky-wocky Then, we had a lilttle chat there and thanks for your drinks & jelly (embarassing moment) ignore that please! I know your 'dirty lilttle secret' back then..shhhhh~hahah ish ish ish Bawak keta tu, jangan brenti tengah jalan..kahkahkah We came back home at 4 p.m Then I went to sleep as my body+eyes+ears getting hotter My lips turning into red! While Raihan was busying herself wif FB? Blog? I dunno Lastly, Fieza, Kima, Raihan n SIL, we had fun this day rite? thanks a lots~! Wish Syira, Poja, Trex were there t0o~ p/s: Syira, I saw Jaapaq Onn at MHI, singing wif Rohana Jalil..he was wearing a songket then.. lawak kot tengok muka dya!
Word of the Day: I wish I'm not sumone that you can be regret of


fahrenchyma said...

umy umy....
thx fr the gift...

akitA ymU said...

no probs pon kima!

Nur Athirah said...

nak pi gak~~~~~
hurm,umy promise me nxt time ukeh???
kita tingin sgt nk nek keta dgn awak..
[itu motif utama]

akitA ymU said...

kita pon tringin nk bwak awk pi jalan2..
jum2, kita pi mna? ke bulan? ke angkasa?ahahha
nnti jum kita pi tgk alice in wonderland keyh!

Anonymous said...

jgn kecoh2!!

akitA ymU said...

sil; padia!

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