Unforgettable Memory

This photo was taken when we're in Form 4 All Form 4 Sultanah need to wear JDP uniform so funny! really miss u guys~ To Lesung & DODO: Tasangka Anak-anak Murid Karam pakai uniform JDP! Kalau Karam tengok nie sure bangga! hahaha
Quote of the day: Sometimes there are people who can make me laugh, but there's only one people who can make me feel happy, only YOU!!!


honor_society said...

suka nya post awakk
sdey la.,kita dah x brsama dah dalm kelaih,buley wat lwk,,men kat luaq kelaih....ahh miss jugakk....\umy!
muka lesung mcm x bmaya la,lawak pown ada..haahhaha

miss&love u too,polident!!
sure la karam bangga,pi kaih post kat fb dye..hahaahaa
alallal,umy pown come paa pkai bju jdpp...

akitA ymU said...

chuck a.k.a lesung,
btoi2..sedeh..ta dapat dah nk dok skali time recess..xbleyh nk share cucuq jagung awk..haha..
muka lesung ukan x bermaya, tpi ini dinmakan teknik control ayu..kahkahkah..bgi la tips sket cena nk kontrol ayu..ahahhahah

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