
Everything happen fr a reason?
Same goes to this situation
Situation in the Econs class yesterday
(Tah pa2 betul)
After finished our not-so-quiz Econs,
I'm so sleepy ya-Rabbi
As I dun get enough and proper sleep
I slept on my study desk at 4 am
I tried to study ESS but not a single thing pon I can focus
Dunno why maybe there's too much matters I thought about
Okay back to our Econs class,
Me and Sarah try to avoid our sleepy habit by texting each other
Even thou Sarah just sit beside me in the class
But still I focused to Econs class, dun worry
The matter that always distract me,
Why I dun like Econs? Why Econs is not my favorite subject?
Azreen once told me,
"Umy, awk sure akan suka Econs as you like Account after this"
Kakak also told,
"Econs best!"
But why I can't feel that passion in Econs? *sigh
Maybe I'm waiting fr Mr. Inspiration to boost up my passion in Econs
just like my passion to Account before this
I would like to thanks to somebody for this
You're the starting point for me to like Account subject
Another matters that distract me
I can feel that you dun like with my existence
Your ignorance seems to be annoyed to me..duhh
I dunno why
Sorry if you feel uncomfortable with my present
But sometime the way you behave can actually hurt me
Enough is enough


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