
What an exhausted weekdays *sigh*
For the 1st time, I felt really really really TIRED!!
I feel like a huge stone in my head+shoulder to carry
At the same time, I felt really happy+phenomenal+excited
This is because of my funny+beloved classmates
They always cherish my time here, so far
And lately, I ate with my classmates when breaking fast time at KFC
Best! My 1st experience =)
Bestfriend-Aiman is so funny yesterday
(He acts like being a father and baca doa makan time buka puasa)
And about ToK and Maths test,
Again, I screwed up those papers
Padan muka
But then, I really spent my time to study for the sake of maths
even though I felt really damn tired to open my eyes+brain
Tawakal jea larh
2 weeks to go before I go back to Kedah
Eager to see my beloved+chubby BABY!
And to Kakak, jarang call nmpak
busy with vacation to New York until forgot to call?


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