
Just now, I logged in Myspace yang berhabuk tak terbukak. And yet I happened to see my photo albums. "Kenangan at UTP" album caught my attention. Suddenly this question popped out from my mind, "Wut happen if I enter UTP instead of goin' to KMB?" To be left unspoken. Actually I got the chance to further my studies in Geoscience at UTP using my trial SPM result after goin thru the EDUCAMP prog. Bdw, I miss the momentos in Educamp Prog. where actually Asma students conquered the prog. and to be precise, there were 24 of us who got the chance to be there. What is Geoscience actually? After googled it, I found this: Geoscience includes all the sciences (geology, geophysics, geochemistry) that study the structure, evolution and dynamics of the planet Earth and its natural mineral and energy resources. Geoscience investigates the processes that have shaped the Earth through its 4600 million year history and uses the rock record to unravel that history. Wanna know the reason fr rejecting this offer? "Perempuan2 nie ta sesuai keja kat pelantaq nuh, dok korek sana sini, nanti kalo dah kahwin, payah nk jaga suami" haha. That's wut Mama told me verbally. Besides that, email fr this offer hantaq last minute. Hari nie hantaq, esok dah kna register. Memang terbaeekk larh. I guess there is always silver lining behind the cloud. Alhamdulillah I got the offer from Mara and continue my studies in Kolej Mara Banting as Econs/Finance student. Even tho I'm not that satisfied fr receiving this course, surprisingly I started to enjoy myself here.Alhamdulillah. Thanks to my classmates that make me feel self-belonging in KMB. p/s: A for Annoying-Aizad :) I hope you didn't read this. phewwwhh.

Friends vs Soulmate

What is the difference between a close friendship and a close relation? Most of us believe that when friendship becomes stronger, it may turn into relationship. The truth is different. Think about the kind of talk you have with your friends. You are always very open about your failures and shortcomings. You are not shy of talking about your problem and asking friends to help. In a close friendship, you expect to know everything about each other.
How about a relationship? We as human beings keep lot of secrets away from our partner. We do not want to tell about our failures and shortcomings. We also try to impress our partner whenever we head the chance. This difference between friendship and relationship is very deep. We calculate our moves in a relationship but are very open in a friendship. We are like a child in friendships but behave like an adult in relationships.
If you remain inside your boundaries in a relationship and not try to change it into a close friendship, you will have longer relationships. Telling all does not help in relationships. Then, if friendship turn out to be in relationship at the wrong time, just forget it. It doesn't work fr a long time.

Love versus Like

In front of the person you love, your heart beats faster
But in front of the person you like , you get happy.
In front of the person you love, winter seems like spring
But in front of the person you like, winter is just a beautiful winter.
If you look into the eyes of the one you love, you blush
But if you look into the eyes of the one you like, you smile.
In front of the person you love, you can' t say everything on your mind
But in front of the person you like, you can.
In front of the person you love, you tend to get shy
But in front of the person you like, you can show your ownself.
Then person you love comes into your mind every 2 minutes.
You can't look straight into the eyes of the one you love
But you can always smile into the eyes of the one you like.
When the one you love is crying, you cry with them
But when the one you like is crying, you end up comforting.
The feeling of love starts from the eye
And the feeling of like starts from the ear.
So if you stop liking a person you used to like
All you need to do is cover your ears,
But if you try to close your eyes
Love turns into a drop of tear and remains in your heart forever after.

Stuck in my heart

I hope this answers yours.

You catch me whenever I fall


Call me cliche

you and me


Always think positively



I'm gonna be dead :| Just gotta 'nur' or petunjuk to start doing my homework today, at last -___-
Umy Umy Umy, tak penah nk buat keja awal2, always last minute person who doing homeworks. Bad habit isn't it? sigh. Then, baru la nk amek caffein banyak2 utk stay up late. Ish memang!
I dunno wut's wrong wif me, I dun have any mood to do homework at all. Astaghfirullahallazim.
Please la, you're an IB student and as IB student you should be internationally busy bukannya tidoq, fb, ym, skype, makan, tv, dating sepanjang masa. Aigoooo.


This evening I had an interesting conversation with my close friend, Raihan.
She said that a guy yang "anak Kedua+lahir bulan Sept" memang interesting, joyful+unique.
She also proved that all guys she knew which is 2nd child and born in Sept really have those characteristics and I can't deny that cause I also know them. Boleh percaya ke?haha..I dunno 'bout it. So, I guess whoever born in Sept. can fit in my waiting list perhaps? Just kiddin'. Talking about your future-gonna-be husband/boyfriend, for me I really dun mind who it is but compulsory for him to respect my parents before me. Dat's what important for this time being. Looks? I rather treasure his behavior compared to his looks. Love is when you found sumone who didn't meet any of your standards but yet you still say, 'Finally, I found the right one!'
Opposite do attracts? hurm..for me, differences should have in characters as it compliment each other because differences are not intended to separate, to alienate. We are different precisely in order to realize our need of one another. An egoistic boy who refuse to confess his love is really a LOSER. A player is already out of my list. I hate when boys make girls cry. But c'mon girls, kumbang bukan seekor lah kat KMB tu, bnyak gila kot along the way nk pegi class. Ok2, sudah. Sometimes, I really expect much for my lovestory and it sounds cliche. Salahkan novels+korean,japanese dramas fr this =__=' as I hope my lovestory will be narrated like that someday.lame me.
And when you like sumone, even your friend ask you this, 'You like him, do you?' It's a psychological question, no name was mentioned but suddenly someone came into your mind. Love is a magic isn't it?
Ok, enough of this, before I write more 'cheesy+jiwang words' in the middle of night, I should better stop it now. Jaaah~~

True friend

Quote 1

I Ride This Bussss Pictures, Images and Photos
Lots of people wanna ride with you in limo,
But what you want is,
Sumone who will take the bus when
the limo breaks down,
And sumone who is willing to walk beside you,
when the bus breaks down
And sumone that holds your hands forever
Through the pain and happiness

Go with the flow

Annyeong Ramadhan, Ahlan wa Sahlan Syawal

Annyeong, Sayonara, Goodbye, Selamat Tinggal the most precious month, Ramadhan.
Suddenly I felt sad as Ramadhan is over.
Belum tentu next year dapat merasai nikmat bulan puasa nie.
Hopefully panjang umur hendak-Nya.
This Ramadhan, I learnt many new things and many experiences I gained.
For an example, my classmates and I jual brain2(otaks)+Milorio time bazaar Ramadhan started from 5.30-7.30 p.m.
First day, kitaorg jual Milorio as stock otak-otak ta sampai lagi.
But then, first day jual mmg best! Me, Dafnie and Yasser decide utk buat Milorio, mmg ta menang tangan bila customers berduyun-duyun order Milorio sampai ke Maghrib larh.
Dah la time tu hujan+ribut, pastue buka puasa sambil berdiri mkn kueh buah Melaka(u have no idea how big it is) dengan Aiman, Dafnie, Yasser, Alin & Mimie. Aiman and I really enjoy our breaking fast even tho it was not in a proper way (dah la mkn buah melaka sampai nk tercekik). And, it was my first time breaking fast with my new friends in KMB. For me, this experience u cannot get it anywhere and it was priceless!
Another thing I learnt is patience is the companion of wisdom.
During this Ramadhan month, many things happened to threaten my patience but I learnt to face the the problems, challenges, homeworks, tests, quizzes, boys, girls, human in a positive way.
I take things simple and easy so that it can't harm me as I am a girl that can easily worried over a small matters. Such a loser.
But nvm, progression makes myself to be a better Muslimah. InsyaAllah.
Actually, I have a lots of story to write but Bapak and I plan to go to Pekan Rabu to search a new 'songkok' for tomorrow.
To my beloved sister, dun be sad+homesick in perantauan sana. Everything needs to be sacrificed in a way to succeed. I know you tough enough to face these challenges, just left another 9 months in US and after that you can happily celebrate Raya with all of us. InsyaAllah. Dun worry, next Raya will be a blast as K.wina and the family will celebrate Raya in Msia plus Cik Marissa sure dah besaq and insyaAllah future anak Abg Hudd+K.Fan pon ada skali.
So, be patient~~!
And to all friends, Ex-Sultan A. Tajuddin, Ex-asmarian, Kelas 5 Sultanah '09, A10B class,
Selamat Menyambut Aidilfitri and Mintak maaf sangat2 kalo ada silap dan salah. Kosong-kosong naa pasnie ;)

You're beautiful






All about courage

Maths SL

This is so fun! Spot the sarcasm =____=


A day with them

Home sweet home, Kedah!
Words can't describe my feeling
when airplane landed at Sultan Badlishah Airport yesterday
I became insomnia again, my old-holiday-habit
Last night I went to sleep at 5.30 a.m
And woke up at 9.30 a.m
As to get ready to be an 'Amah' for a day
Then, I kidnapped Poja and Raihan at their house with a new car
And straight away to AS Mall~
For a 1st time, Alor Star roads are so freaking jammed
And I have to drive slowly as 'siput katak' in the middle of town
But no worries, got a lots of story+gossips need to share with both of them
We're sharing our stories and eventually comparing KMB with INTEC tho
Sounds KMB lots of fun, no offence ;))
Then, we plan to watch Step Up 3
and this is my 2nd time watching that
No biggie as Luke is freaking damn handsome
I wish I could find a guy like him, the answer is=NO!
I like the dance steps, choreography, the moves
It reminds me of Mirotic performance in Form 5 last year
Miss that time so much
Wutever pon, I had fun today with my lovely Twilighters, Raihan n Furzanie =)
Thanks guys ;p

Picture time!

So wanna play a game wif me?




This is what I meant through my blog link
"Aiming for the simple bright stars"

Frog Stalker

Some call it stalking BUT I call it 'love'

I believe I can fly

Colorful heart