Annyeong Ramadhan, Ahlan wa Sahlan Syawal

Annyeong, Sayonara, Goodbye, Selamat Tinggal the most precious month, Ramadhan.
Suddenly I felt sad as Ramadhan is over.
Belum tentu next year dapat merasai nikmat bulan puasa nie.
Hopefully panjang umur hendak-Nya.
This Ramadhan, I learnt many new things and many experiences I gained.
For an example, my classmates and I jual brain2(otaks)+Milorio time bazaar Ramadhan started from 5.30-7.30 p.m.
First day, kitaorg jual Milorio as stock otak-otak ta sampai lagi.
But then, first day jual mmg best! Me, Dafnie and Yasser decide utk buat Milorio, mmg ta menang tangan bila customers berduyun-duyun order Milorio sampai ke Maghrib larh.
Dah la time tu hujan+ribut, pastue buka puasa sambil berdiri mkn kueh buah Melaka(u have no idea how big it is) dengan Aiman, Dafnie, Yasser, Alin & Mimie. Aiman and I really enjoy our breaking fast even tho it was not in a proper way (dah la mkn buah melaka sampai nk tercekik). And, it was my first time breaking fast with my new friends in KMB. For me, this experience u cannot get it anywhere and it was priceless!
Another thing I learnt is patience is the companion of wisdom.
During this Ramadhan month, many things happened to threaten my patience but I learnt to face the the problems, challenges, homeworks, tests, quizzes, boys, girls, human in a positive way.
I take things simple and easy so that it can't harm me as I am a girl that can easily worried over a small matters. Such a loser.
But nvm, progression makes myself to be a better Muslimah. InsyaAllah.
Actually, I have a lots of story to write but Bapak and I plan to go to Pekan Rabu to search a new 'songkok' for tomorrow.
To my beloved sister, dun be sad+homesick in perantauan sana. Everything needs to be sacrificed in a way to succeed. I know you tough enough to face these challenges, just left another 9 months in US and after that you can happily celebrate Raya with all of us. InsyaAllah. Dun worry, next Raya will be a blast as K.wina and the family will celebrate Raya in Msia plus Cik Marissa sure dah besaq and insyaAllah future anak Abg Hudd+K.Fan pon ada skali.
So, be patient~~!
And to all friends, Ex-Sultan A. Tajuddin, Ex-asmarian, Kelas 5 Sultanah '09, A10B class,
Selamat Menyambut Aidilfitri and Mintak maaf sangat2 kalo ada silap dan salah. Kosong-kosong naa pasnie ;)


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