
This evening I had an interesting conversation with my close friend, Raihan.
She said that a guy yang "anak Kedua+lahir bulan Sept" memang interesting, joyful+unique.
She also proved that all guys she knew which is 2nd child and born in Sept really have those characteristics and I can't deny that cause I also know them. Boleh percaya ke?haha..I dunno 'bout it. So, I guess whoever born in Sept. can fit in my waiting list perhaps? Just kiddin'. Talking about your future-gonna-be husband/boyfriend, for me I really dun mind who it is but compulsory for him to respect my parents before me. Dat's what important for this time being. Looks? I rather treasure his behavior compared to his looks. Love is when you found sumone who didn't meet any of your standards but yet you still say, 'Finally, I found the right one!'
Opposite do attracts? hurm..for me, differences should have in characters as it compliment each other because differences are not intended to separate, to alienate. We are different precisely in order to realize our need of one another. An egoistic boy who refuse to confess his love is really a LOSER. A player is already out of my list. I hate when boys make girls cry. But c'mon girls, kumbang bukan seekor lah kat KMB tu, bnyak gila kot along the way nk pegi class. Ok2, sudah. Sometimes, I really expect much for my lovestory and it sounds cliche. Salahkan novels+korean,japanese dramas fr this =__=' as I hope my lovestory will be narrated like that someday.lame me.
And when you like sumone, even your friend ask you this, 'You like him, do you?' It's a psychological question, no name was mentioned but suddenly someone came into your mind. Love is a magic isn't it?
Ok, enough of this, before I write more 'cheesy+jiwang words' in the middle of night, I should better stop it now. Jaaah~~


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