Pennsylvania, USA

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone! How's everything there?
First of all, alhamdulillah dah sampai pun US, my biggest dream so far, besides jumpa Mr. Right ;p
I'm so thankful that I can pursue my studies here.
So, this fall semester I take 6 subject with 17 credits.
There are Astronomy 010, Mathematics 110, English 015, Biology of Human 001, PSU Business 006, and Supply Chain & Management 200. It's quite a lot but for Astronomy subject, I take through online study.
Everything is fine here and my $3 clothes collection makin bertambah from day to day. Who doesn't love shopping? except for man.

Did I tell you guys about Eid Celebration in here? Surprisingly, it was nice for all Muslims to gather in one place, Sunset Park and having Raya prayer and Qutbah. Although the food is not that 'menyelerakan' compared to Malaysia, I made a lot of international friends here.

Until then, Selamat Hari Raya!


So yeah, keep bugging Mama and Bapak about the plan of coming back to Malaysia next year :D
Najmi once said to me this, 'tak pegi lagi dh pikiaq nak balik lol :D' I know Imma spoiler daughter
Long time ago, I was whining to Kamilia about Najmi getting back to Malaysia on his first year, then pufff its hit my nose back

So, I create some strong excuses about going back to Malaysia next year, specifically in May
First, I want to do internship in ExxonMobil (my sister's workplace), second I can save some money also (975usd times 4), third for sure I want to spend my time with familia
Mama agreed and Bapak gave some positive feedback..
However, lets see first how I'm going to adapt with the new surrounding, then I will decide how

Today is 31st July 2012, I want to wish a happy birthday to my childhood fantasies, Harry Potter!
*12 days to go :S

Random Fandom

When someone ask you,

'Rindu aku tak?'

Like hello, of course la tak...tapi dalam hati, yes I miss you la, ke tak ;)

Warning: This post is not good for your health as it contains very cheesy preetzy words. Harap maklum

My Personal U.S Checklist

Hi today is 18th of July which means 3 days before we enter the most gracious month, Ramadhan.
Less than a month I will step my feet on United State of America, alhamdulillah
So, to make things go easier, I want to pack my stuff before I leave to KL soon for my visa interview
For the checklist, I've divided into six sections;
  1. Apparel
  2. Toiletries
  3. Make up bag
  4. Food
  5. Others
  6. Cabin

Bismisllahirahmanirahim, lets start :)

Apparel Section
  • Long john ( I wonder why they call this long john, why not long jane?)
  • Undies
  • Panty coat
  • 2 pasang telekung and sejadah
  • Baju tradisional (Baju kebaya, baju kurung moden, jubah)
  • Pajamas (3 pairs)
  • 3 Shirts
  • 4 Blouses
  • 2 pairs of jeans
  • 4 inners
  • 4 pairs of socks
  • 1 long skirt
  • 2 warm jackets
  • 1 cardigan
  • 1 pair of swimsuit (better beli kat sini, dekat sana sexy2 :O )
  • Tudung (5 psg tudung ala2 ariani; senang je nak pakai waktu2 malam, 4 anak tudung, 5 shawls, 5 tudung bawal)
  • Brooches ( 15 pin include Paan punya, jarum peniti)
  • Kain batik

  • Towel
  • Small bottle of shampoos, cream bath
  • Small toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Mellaleuca facial wash
  • Minyak gamat, minyak Mellaleuca
  • Contact lens with traveler's solution
  • Nail clipper
  • Small Johnson's baby powder
  • Anakku baby lotion (my favourite T____T )
  • V.S perfume 
  • Sabun taharah (samak soap)

Make up bag 
  • Loose powder
  • Concealer C.D and body shop
  • Moisturizer Mallaleuca
  • Mellilia cream (compulsory!)
  • Smooth mousse Maybelline
  • Lip liner
  • Lip bum (Paan cakap is a must) 
  • Eye liner

  • Tafsir Al-Quran dan doa buku hijau
  • Stationary ( pencil box, files, books)
  • Laptop (consider to bring it or not)
  • Medical stuff ( buy at Suzie's clinic : fever, flue, stomach ache)
  • International plug adapter
  • Charger phone Sony Ericson

Food (Adabi's sponsor)
  • 1 pack nasi impit
  • 3 pack kerisik
  • Serunding (for sahur)
  • Rempah ratus : 
1. Kari daging/ayam/udang/ikan
2. Kurma daging/ayam
3. Kulit kayu manis, bunga lawang, jintan, bunga cengkih
4. Instant (Perencah nasi goreng, mee goreng, bihun goreng, tom yam)
5. Cube ayam maggi, secukup rasa maggie, sup bunjut
  • Sos cili ( yang packet ala2 KFC/MCD punya)
  • Belacan
  • Asam jawa and asam keping

  • Small toiletries bag
  • Small make up bag
  • Spectacles
  • Sweater
  • Sox world socks ( kambing biri-biri material, suitable for a long distance journey)
  • Some chocs
  • Small towel
  • Mini bottle of perfume
  • Some medical stuff (active fast, muscle joint)
  • Handiplast

p/s: This is just my personal checklist. If there's any addition items, you just put a comment below

It's her birthday today!

Hip hip hurrayyy..Hip hip hurrayy..Hip hip hurrayy!

Dafnie menyanyi lagu mendayu-dayu,
Happy birthday to you

Nyanyi lagu sampai pukul satu,
May God bless you too

I want to wish to my best Melacca buddy, a happy 20th birthday!  Hoping that all your wishes comes true (finding Mr. right) and have a blast on your birthday :) Me love you :D

Tak mengharap kepada benda yang tak pasti

Visa need to be applied in this month jugak??! My heart keeps drumming faster
I-20 belum dapat ??! Double the beats
Are you sure that you can fly this August? I'm asking myself repeatedly
Before this the U.S applicants had a small discussion (not really a discussion as it based on twitter+fb) regarding VISA
They said the interview will be not conducted in July,
so by hook or by crook you need to do it soon
I have this major phobia about the result; IB
Who doesn't worry about the result? Genius perhaps?
After all, every single day I imagine the consequences of not getting 35 above *triplethebeats
It's no good if we keep questing ourselve with this, 'What if.....what if....what if...'
Okay cheer up! Another 3 weeks to go :) Doa banyak2 guys!

The 3 websites I visit most often

A'salam :) Today is another ordinary day indeed.
Nothing special. However Chik already back to KL, alahhh
I dont know what I've been doing know is a healthy lifestyle or not *sah-sah tak
Going to bed 4 am and woke up at 11, then laptop it is
Haishh I have to admit that I kinda miss busy life
Can you imagine when you're in KMB, 
wake up at 6 and going to bed at 3
And the feeling of taking your head to the pillow
is like heaven! Dapat tidur 5 minit pon cukup laa
And what happen now? Nak tidur pon kena paksa diri

Okay today I want to show the five websites I visit most often
The first ranking is TWITTER!
I've been indulge myself with twitter since 2010
Second is FACEBOOK, however facebook is now looking lame and gloomy
Just open it to update myself with pictures
The third website is 9GAG
Oh I love this 9gag so much, you can spend your time from morning until late at night
Did I tell you, it's so funny also?

What my keyboards talk

Been reading this blog by Vivy Yusof since yesterday.
I really admired her; her courage to be a business woman at young age
What's surprise more is that she was a law graduate from LSE
Mann, who doesn't want to go to LSE???
By the age of 24, she already had an established online fashion boutique
You guys can check it out here,

Ala-ala nak buat macam Vivy gituw, so this is what I wore today :) *gedikmode*

KMB shirts by Vivo Corp (our class company), White jeans by Hapy

Accompany by my favorite accessories, earrings by Vincci 

Hence, what I want to say is that even though you have a degree from law, engineering or medic,
Don't be afraid to involve in business world, plus dalam hadith Nabi pun ada mengatakan bahawa perniagaan adalah punca rezeki yang baik and 9/10 punca rezeki datang dari perniagaan.

So buckle up and try to be a risk taker (IB learner's profile) by involving yourself in business :) But at first, you need to have the knowledge in business :) All the best!

Man with a white shirt

Hey, I dreamed about you last night. We never talk before. MOP! Yes it's because a mop that my eyes lay on you.

I talk crap. I know


This is funneh. I found this older draft in my blog. I guess time ni waktu semester 2 yang tengah stress. Enjoy! 

Kadang-kadang IB nie makes me wanna said: 
" Can I just quit this and get married?"
Kadang-kadang IB nie train students jadi tukang rumah
Kadang-kadang IB nie suruh students jadi burung hantu
Kadang-kadang IB nie makes me wanna cry unexpectedly
Kadang-kadang IB nie makes me angry to everyone
Kadang-kadang IB nie makes me wonder:
"How can they survive through this programme?"
Kadang-kadang IB nie buat macam rasa nak jerit tengah padang
Kadang-kadang IB nie buat macam nak pentingkan diri saja
Kadang-kadang IB nie just IB

Things after IB in KMB


Excited mode *on

Hey guys (still ada orang nak baca ke?),
Okay never mind. It has been a year since I updated my blog
Many things changed, like seriously serious
Including myself- My weight (obviously), my height, my confidence level and even my thoughts
Last fortnight I had the chance to see my friends, I mean my schoolmate friends
I miss them so much
I'm feel glad that their treatments are like before, no awkwardness exist between us
That's why I can rely my feeling on 5 Sultanah's girls
I told them that I have least confidence about getting further my studies in United States
One of them replied with this,

'Dont worry, study in overseas is not our major aim,
Our aim is that being successful in both our life and also akhirat,
Not able to study in overseas doesn't mean that you're not good enough,
Allah count on our efforts not the results,'

I feel so blessed around this kind of people,
It soothed me more or less,
But it doesn't mean that I lose hope to study in United States,
When I think back,
After 2 years in IB,
I think I deserve some rewards,
InsyaAllah if there's rezeki, Allah will grant it.

2 weeks away from International Baccalaureate life,
Happy? Sad? Empty? Missing?
Yeah I have to admit that all these feelings are tortured me
And and and so just you know that I keep on dreaming about KMB every SINGLE day
God, I miss the environment so bad. I miss the jogging track, basketball, DS, KFC, dobi, koop, friends, classmates and also teachers!
Hope they are fine :)